This one should probably be the Morgana Onasi Legacy, but whate'er...
Just a mini update to prove I'm still playing the game...
While Dustil and Selene are at work, Morgana calls a friend over:
Okay, maybe he's more than just a friend...
This can't end well...
Aaaaaaaaaaand all they did was play suck-face for the rest of the
On the front lawn...
In the house...
On the couch...
In front of a not-paying-attention Selene...
Or maybe she was paying attention...
Selene: I caught your daughter making out on the couch with that
clone of your father all yesterday afternoon!
Dustil: Oh, like you and I do?
Morgana: Oh, burn!
So to rub it in her mother's face, Morgana called Carth again.
I'm sure if I had the mod where teenagers could woo-hoo,
this would have been a booty call.
Morgana: Did I ever tell you about the time I saw aliens?
Morgana: They were goin' like this!
Oooooh, this isn't gonna be pretty, especially since it was about
here I remembered the Carth Clone was going steady
with the Revan Clone...
Revan Clone: Waaaaait! What that bitch be doin' with my man!?
Revan Clone: I HATE YOU!!!
Morgana: I kinda like him...
Revan Clone: BITCH...
Revan Clone: ...SLAP!!!
Carth Clone: You're breaking up with me!? WHY?!
Morgana: I think our kiss had something to do with it...
Morgana needed relationship advice, so called the best man
for the job:
The Original Onasi
Morgana: Okay, so it's like this. You know Grandma's clone?
Morgana: She just broke up with your clone.
Carth: What? Why?!
Morgana: Because I kissed him.
Morgana: Your stunned silence is very reassuring...
Well, I suppose teaching her self-defense is a good start when a
teenage Sith clone is on the loose...
Meanwhile, at the other end of the house:
Ulic Qel-Droma: Your daughter kissed my daughter's
boyfriend! You'll pay for that, Onasi!
Tussle in the house!!!
Ulic: Why I ougha!!!
Round 1 victory: Dustil!
So the next morning, Ulic gets even.
Nice to see the
Sith Lord father looks out for his Sith Lord daughter.