Hooray! New generation begins........... NOW!
This installment is also extra long to make up for 1.9! Hooray!
Okay, so, it's like this. I'm addicted to downloading mods for Sims2. (Mainly because mods are shiny and free, but that's another story.) I found a new site and began downloading the pretties. The more new things I found, the more I wanted to design a new house. The more I wanted to design a new house, the more I wanted to give it to the Onasis, because their old house was starting to annoy me. So, while mindlessly watching Dancing with the Stars, I designed a new house for the Onasis, complete with gizka guards (because without gizka guards, a house isn't a house). When the house was finished, I moved the Onasis in--Canderous and Bastila included because I haven't built them a separate house yet.
Then it dawned on me I never finished capping Generation 1.9.
Uh... oops?
But the Onasis have a shiny new house, so all is good with the world.
The Onasis moved in, neighbors came to greet them, and
Selene Sith (whom I created specifically for PA) made herself known...
..and it was about there I realized that I had been pressing the caption button for an hour without my screen capture program running.
I R brilliant. (I blame it all on paying more attention to Nathan Fillion on Desperate Housewives than my Sims--Mmmm... Nathan...)
What I lost:
1. Selene and Dustil meeting for the first time (WHILE REVAN AND CARTH WATCHED--moral support perhaps?).
2. Everyone getting confused as to which bed was theres and sleeping on couches instead.
3. Carth getting promoted to "Nurse".
4. Carth, Canderous, and Revan swimming in the pool and taking turns diving off the diving board.
5. Leia starting a food fight at dinner.
6. Selene and Dustil chilling in the hot tub until three in the morning.
Soooo... yeah. Some important stuff. Some not-so-important stuff. Please forgive my Nathan Fillion addiction.
Without stalling any longer, behold! Generation 2.1!
Revan: Dear diary. Please bring me a pony and a plastic rocket
and a new ribcage.
New house. New maid. Same Dustil.
Look, a random townie has come to visit!
Wait... what's she doing...?
Um... Apparently he's busy.
On the upside, Bastila's appropriately dressed.
No, Dustil didn't beat her to get the gizka back. I bought a new one.
Couldn't have my gizka army un-even.
Bastila, after donning real clothes, helps Leia with her homework.
(It was the only way to get the child to actually do it. She's turning
into Dustil...)
See, Leia? Carli does her homework without anyone
standing over top of her.
YEAH! Way to go, Carli!
Uncle Canderous must have given her some tips.
Bastila: We MOVED and you STILL found us?!
Hmmm... How to get Dustil to stop...
Yes. Selene lives on Master Vandar Lane.
I need help.
Always a pleasure? You met him yesterday...
Wow. They move fast...
Hug #2
Dustil: OMG! I hugged a GIRL! I'm in LOVE!
...and now they're slow dancing in front of the house.
Why didn't Dustil do this with all of those other girls?
Slow dancin', swayin' to no music...
Slow dancin', just me and my girl and gizkas...
Careful, Dustil. Don't get too cocky.
Selene: Um... Excuse me? Your hand is wandering.
Dustil: Awww, but--
Dustil: Heh. My bad!
Dustil: Soooo, this is my house. These are the stairs.
Oh, and that's my nosy sister.
London Bridge is falling down, falling down, falling down...
Yeah, these aren't edited screen caps. This is all they did.
I think I know how Selene recruited Dustil to the Sith now.
And now the moment PA's we've been waiting for:
I didn't notice until now, but... Selene kinda looks like Paris Hilton.
Just an observation.
%*%$# WHAT?! But they just kissed for the first time!
Timing = FAIL!
So with less than an hour before work, what does Dustil do?
Yeah, Selene sat outside while Dustil hopped in the pool.
After some re-direction on my part:
But I really didn't need to see all that Selene owns...
See, Dustil? Better than swimming, right?
Dustil: Oh yeah. Definitely better than swimming...
WHO CARES?!?! Dustil has a GIRL!!!
While Dustil and Selene were necking, the rest of the family
was pretending not to watch by playing outside about
ten feet from where Dustil and Selene were snuggling:
I have no idea who the random guy in green is...
Dustil went to work and missed Leia's party.
But Selene stayed. She even changed into her bathing suit
for the special occasion.
I have no idea who the random girl in blue is...
Selene: I totally kissed the birthday girl's brother!
Revan: I know!--I mean, what?
Carth: Hey, this is also the anniversary of my wife's death!
I totally love her for not dying!
Leia before the makeover.
Leia after the makeover.
She's cuter than Carli. Carth better start building a moat...
I forgot to take a body shot, so this is the closest you're going to get:
Not pictured: matching flats.
Oh, and because I'm lazy: