Jul 10, 2008 18:28
Let's see, the only change in my life is that I've finally been permanently hired by the "Good Hands" insurance company as of this past Monday. Which is a good thing because it means lovely things like health insurance and PTO. And being paid every time they're closed for a holiday or something. Have to say, while the customers suck (as usual) the management and company have treated me wonderfully as a temp.
Other than that...just playing SR from time to time, might be starting up a Dark Heresy game on IRC if I can ever meet up with my players to hash out how I'm going to start this off.
Still playing WoW, tend to hang out on The Scryers on my draenei mage Kaylith due to my guild on Gilneas being asshats. If you have issues on how I play, please say something and not treat me like a pariah for months on end before you finally have the guts to talk to me about it.
So that's pretty much it. Talk to folks whenever, if you want to find me on irc, PM me or something and I'll tell you where. :)