As it was every year, this one I also worked at halloween and couldn't celebrate it. Firstly, I hoped came back home early and hold this evening with funny dinner with my boyfriend. But moreover I came back home later than I usually do due to revolting revision from Central Operation Department.
It was outrageous! Everything was well at our work, but the visitor found fault in absence shoulder boards on my uniform. He said that we are narrow-minded persons who doesn't understand how much chances we have and what we have to do. He also was talking about future development of our company and which roles we should get or to try to get. It was so idiotic. I consider that is, because if you are smart enough, have specail skills and necessary experience, you get better job in another company NOT in JSC "Russian Railways",
- where only "Big Bosses" have such salaries, which make them to buy car and appartment without credits for all life time.
- where you as a worker have to cover your bosses and even to infract job instructions, when they asked you about it, and you havn't chances to refuse
- where people have to defend themselves always in any unordinary situations. Here presumption of innocence doesn't work, you will always guilty if you don't have facts, which can pretect you and prove that you did your functions right!
So, I work because I need experience, however when I will get it enough, I change my work place.
Lets back to halloween evening :)
I was so tired after work to organised dinner, so I just took a pumpkin and start to incize. I did it for th first time ever, That worked out well, I guess :)