Prompts: The Hobbit

Jan 14, 2013 19:38

This is mostly for me to keep track of my prompts Anon or Not.

Hobbit Kink Meme posts
LadyRedFeather and my anon postings

These aren't in any specific order....I think this is all of them. I think I'm missing one of my anon ones.....

#1: Bilbo's Hair


One of the dwarves(preferably Thorin) finds the hair in bilbo's face irritating and finally one night as they all sit by the campfire, they(whoever it is) sit Bilbo down and proceed to comb and braid Bilbo's hair out of his face

#2: Amnesia

Bilbo falls from a small cliff side during a scuffle and gets amnesia, when he wakes he doesn't remember anything. After telling him his name they try to help Bilbo get back up to speed, but what they dont tell him is he's a hobbit, not a dwarf!

Extra points if Bilbo starts trying to braid his hair like the others(questions why he doesn't have a beard) and when it comes to fighting he's more into it.

The others are surprised by his changes and can't figure out why he's acting so out of character.

#3: Thorin/Bilbo: The Sleeping Halfling

Thorin, Fili, and Kili live through the battle of the 5 armies. The dwarves are looking for their fallen comrades and come across Bilbo, he is badly injured and for reasons unknown he has fallen into an enchanted sleep. The dwarves try everything to wake him up but to no avail. Something with Thorin acknowledging his affections for the halfling and adorning Bilbo with the finery and jewels that were in the mountain.
Maybe a kiss from Thorin awakens their dear bugler?
Bilbo wakes up, confused why he's in all the finery(and confused possibly why he's surrounded in gold?)
Thorin and the others rejoice and convince Bilbo to stay in Erebor.
Happy fluffy ending with Thorin/Bilbo.

#4: Amends To Make Thorin/Bilbo

Okay, so BIlbo uses the ring to conceal himself to fight along side Thorin and protect him, as he feels it is a small way to repent for handing the Arkenstone away. He manages to keep Thorin safe and when Azog is about to ram Thorin through, he steps in front of THorin taking the blow. The ring falls off and with Sting, Bilbo manages to decapitate the orc(kill him basically, feel free to change). Thorin saw this and is shocked beyond words but cannot reach the Hobbit because more enemies are surrounding him. Bilbo manages to crawl away to under a small out cropping (orc blade still in him). When the battle is over(all of Durin's line lives, please) Thorin calls despartly out for the Hobbit. Bilbo can hear Thorin, and is relived he's alive, but he is too weak to call out. The brother(s) find Bilbo and call Thorin and the healers over. Someone puts Bilbo into a magically induced coma to help his body recover easier.(maybe elves? alliances?)

Months pass? Time is up to author. Erebor is being repaired. Alot of worried dwarves over their dear Burglar.

BONUS PIONTS: (I'm really into the idea of THorin or maybe the company in general surrounding Bilbo in gold and gems as a way of showing their affection, appreciation, and endearment to the Hobbit)

BIlbo eventually awakening, he is alone (but not for long the dwarves are maybe just switching shifts?) but soon someone realizes he is awake and not long after that everyone from the company is surrounding the Hobbit, happy he is awake. Bilbo is mildly confused at their care towards him. The dwarves plead for Bilbo to stay in Erebor with them.


#5: Oaken Crown (I have only posted the short general prompt)

General Prompt: Hobbits are skilled wood workers, Bilbo hides his talent on the journey, he saves Thorin in the battle who is lef tin a coma, Fili is temp King and finds out Bilbo can do beautiful wood work. The old King crown is mangled and the forges aren’t up yet so Bilbo decides to make an Oak Crown for Thorin, as a temporary one he thinks, till he can get a proper one. If only he would wake.

Long Prompt:
Hobbits are actually very skilled woodworkers. Bilbo comes from the best wood working families, the Bagginses and Tooks. The dwarves think the Hobbit only know how to farm and party.

Either Bilbo decided to hid his talent because either
A: one night the dwarves were baosting and comparing their varuios objects they’ve forged. Maybe someone off handly comment the lack of skill Hobbit have in such ways and Bilbo doesn’t think they’ll enjoy his woodworking
B: He does it when no one is looking because he fears they(or thorin really) will see it as unessicary and frivolous doings while they travel.
C:Make something else up!

Bilbo always whittles when he’s on night watch to help him stay awake and when ever else the author decides.

Anyways, everyone survives the Battle of the 5 armies and we come across Bilbo trying to staunch the blood flow on one of Thorin’s major wounds. He manages to patch him up enough to drag him to the healers. Bilbo helps the healers and stays by Thorin’s side.
As a nervous habbit and to calm his nerves he start whittling again. He almost finishes a small figureine of someone in the company (he’s been making figures of everyone in the company all throughout the journey) when Fili comes in, and Bilbo remembers what Thorin shouted at him last. Fili eases Bilbo’s mind and tries to reassure him that none of them hate him.
Questions why, though, is Bilbo there? Bilbo responds he swore to see this out till Thorin became King.
Fili sees the pile of wood shavings and comment he didn’t know Bilbo could whittle. Bilbo quirks a smile and tells Fili about his woodcarving background.

Bilbo stays to keep watch over Thorin to help ease Fili’s mind (he’s currently in charge now). Bilbo coaxes Thorin to drink water and broths. The royal quarters are fixed and Fili wants to move Thorin in, Bilbo begins to pack up to leave when Fili says cheekily Thorin isn’t King yet, and he technically is right now, and invites Bilbo into Erebor.
Bilbo stays in Thorin’s room on one of the couches to keep an eye on the injured King.
He sets the wood carved company by Thorin’s bedside to watch over him. Fili comes in to check up on Thorin and Bilbo sees a mangled up piece of metal in his hands. Fili tells Bilbo it WAS the King’s crown but it got mangled up my Smaug. They’d have to make a completly new one and the forges aren’t up.
Bilbo gets an idea and smiles and tells Fili he’ll take care of the crown problem. Kili smirks at what Bilbo means to do and nods. Bilbo is happy to try more intricate work and it’ll help keep him preoccupied. So he starts carving a crown, out of Oak.
Thorin awakes to the sound of soft singing and a Rsh, rsh, rsh noise(sandpaper), he first sees the mini wooden collection of his company. He vaguely wonders who made them before a pair of feet start walking towards him. Bilbo places his newest miniature of Thorin with a crown on his head by the warrior Thorin. Bilbo catches Thorin’s eyes and pales.
Before Thorin can say anything the Hobbit runs to get someone and tell Fili that Thorin is awake. Bilbo refuses to step into Thorin’s chambers, afraid of what Thorin will say to him.
The other file in once the healers say Thorin will defiantly recover. He’s still confined to bed rest buT the other congradulate him for his official Kingship. Fili smiles and says Thorin isn’t a King without a crown and produces the most magnificent Oak Crown from behind his back and places it on Thorin’s head.
Thorin is absolutely speechless. The Crown is beautiful, it’s frame is slightly different than the last crown but on the sides of this one it tells a tale, of a King to reclaim his home. Thorin knows who made it, he glanced to the mini company by his bedside, it was Bilbo.
Thorin calls out to Bilbo, and when the Hobbit doesn’t answer (he stands off to the side just outside the door), he calls out an apology. Bilbo tentivly comes in and Thorin calls him to his side. He apologizes again and shushes Bilbo, he doesn’t care why he did it anymore.
Thorin sees Bilbo’s hands are a roughed and worn like he’s never seen before and kisses his knuckles with a heartfelt murmur of thanks.

Yes, I do apologize for the outline. Take this in any direction you want. You can even extend the ending!

#6: Young Again: Fili and Kili

Some how the brothers Fili and Kili are reverted into kids again and Thorin is beyond mortified. The other wonder why Thorin is so frazzled. They were truly little terrors made of fluff and innocence.

Dis was the only one to be able to handle them and can't for the love of Aule figure out why or how Bilbo can get them to behave and listen to him.

Bonus for little dwarves falling asleep cuddled in Bilbo's arms!

Extra Pionts for Bilbo waking aftewards to find himself smushed between two once again normal sized dwarves and unable to free himself.

#7: King of the Shire

Bilbo is actually the King of the Shire. He decends from the tremendously old royal Took(or Baggins) line. There used to be a need for a ruler over the Shire in the early ages of Middle earth but now peace has fallen blissfully over it and the Royalty stood down to live comfortably in tandem with their people. All Hobbits are aware of the bloodline and who Bilbo Baggins truly is which is why they leave him well enough alone.

Somehow or someway along the trip to the Lonely Moutain the Company finds out Bilbo is the King of Shire (Maybe Gandalf says something in passing about royal hobbits, or Elrond greets Bilbo as King of the Shire, be creative!) and are shocked they have not been told sooner. Bilbo doesn’t think it’s a big deal and the others are just in shock.

Plus Points for when company finds out Bilbo asks them if they remember seeing a crown above his mantle place (I’m rather in the mood to think Hobbit are skilled wood crafts men and it’s made out of wood but metal is fine). And tells them of his lineage.

Super Mega Points for an alliance of Thorin’s kin with Bilbo’s at the end of journey

#8: Shirefall

Everyone is alive after the battle to reclaim Erebor and Thorin banished Bilbo away. With a heavy heart Bilbo says nothing and goes back to the Shire alone.

Gandalf also departs, solemly wishing the Dwarves happiness in their home. The Company is more than alittle distraught about their missing Burglar.

Months later a panicked Gandalf comes running into Erebor with only this to say “The Shire, has fallen.”

Azog had a son who survived the battle of Erebor and went to take his revenge on the one person he could. The Burglar Bilbo Baggins. He took the remaining Orcs and Wargs to lay siege on the Shire. Thorin, dispite is past dispute with Bilbo, has recently seen the errors of his ways and they set out to aide the Shire.

Bonus points for Bilbo taking charge in the Shire and is a great leader who teaches the Hobbits how to fight, defend, trap, and kill their enemies in various ways, even with regular household items.

Extra Bonus points for BAMF hobbits wielding kitchen knives, spades, shovels, etc. (though they still need assistance is riding of all the enemies)

#9: What Came After Thorin/Bilbo

This is kinda specific, but feel free to add or subtract.
Basics:Everyone survived the Battle of the 5 Armies

Not so basics:
It’s after the Battle of the 5 Armies, and Bilbo doesn’t think he is wanted by the darves. He leaves before the festivities, with the help of Gandalf(who feels he cant deny the worn out Hobbit his home after what’s happened), the others come to think him dead.

Bilbo writes every detail of his trails to reclaim Erebor with the Dwarves(even perhaps of his onesided love for thorin). Gandalf meets with Bilbo and finds the Hobbit pondering on where to go next. Bilbo confesses he can’t stand the quite Shire any more. He tells Gandalf he’s going to finish his book of their journey before he heads out once more. Gandalf wishes him luck and tells him he’s going out back to the Lonely Moutain to see how it’s fairing.

He hears along the way that the people think the Great Bilbo Baggins in dead. He hurries to Erebor to correct this mistake. The dwarves rejoice when they hear of the Burglars safety. Thorin especially, regretting his last words he said to the halfling.

They rush back to the Shire to bring him back to Erebor and find a sign on his gate. “Gone Adventuring, will not be back for a long while. Do not sell my stuff.” The darves are confused, they thought the Hobbit hated adventures. Gandalf openes Bilbo’s house so they may rest the night and find where he might of headed. Gandalf tells the Dwarves that Bilbo thought he wasn’t wanted by the darves and had found life in the Shire too quite after their massive adventure. “He said he would leave after finishing ….” ”finishing what, Gandalf?” “His book.” Gandalf said as he picked up a huge red leather book. “About your adventure to reclaim Erebor.” Thorin reads it outloud that night and they discover a many good things they didn’t know. Hobbits only love once, and Bilbo had given his heart to the King under the Moutain. They manage to find where the Hobbit had left to go(a long roundabout way to Erebor) to and he had left not a month ago. They set out to find him and make amends.

Bonus points for adding little Frodo who comes to see if the lights on in Bag End is his Uncle's return. He knows who the dwarves are form his Uncle's stories. Sits on Thorin's lap as he reads the book out loud.

Extra points for Frodo straight out telling Thorin that Bilbo loved him and turns to the page his uncle wrote about the moment he fell in love...and reading it to them all.

And Sad extra points if a fire happens in Frodo's house. When the Dwaves are taking him home, Frodo get's burned by the hot door knob and the dwarves rush to try to save Frodo's parents but, in the end it is a loss. They agree to take Frodo to Bilbo.

Kili and Fili become like older brothers to Frodo. Mentions of teaching him things(maybe things such as braiding(Little Frodo braiding Thorin's beard as they travel on ponies would make my day, any day), whittling, and trapping?) and playing with him.

Endless questions from Frodo about the Dwarvish culture.

I'm done now. :) How they reunite with Bilbo is up to you! Have at it!

#10: Death at Her Foot

I’m sorry this is more of an outline then anything; I’m a horrible writer.

Bilbo helped fight in the Battle of the Five Armies, and they’ve miraculously won. Thorin has been hit hard, but he will live, so he hasn’t called for the Halfling to apologize to him. He has forbidden Bilbo to even step foot in Erebor again.

Unknown to the others, Bilbo’s side had been slashed and shredded pretty badly by an Orc blade. Bilbo knows the wound is infected and he likely won’t make it back to the Shire alive. Gandalf has been busy counseling the three races and their treaty. And he refuses to step into the caves of Erebor where the healing tent is stationed because he feels an over whelming sense of guilt about what he had done to his companions. Basically the Hobbit is just waiting to die of infection or starvation, because that’s where they cook the food too, and so he waits to die at the foot of Erebor.

But until he dies, he tries to help around, always avoiding the company, by doing small things, like running notes, helping wash clothes, mend them, etc. He’s managed to crudely bandage himself up and hide his bloodied shirt with his still wearable waistcoat. A day or two into helping people around he sees a mother dwarf, who Bilbo doesn’t know is Dis, trying to calm about 8 to 11 children (of varying race or not) and goes up with a bright smile and asks the children if they want to hear a story. They do and mother smiles gratefully at Bilbo who begins to weave a tale for the children. He’s entrusted with the children all day and they ask to see him again tomorrow.

This becomes his duty, every morning when the children come out to play, Bilbo is waiting there with his stories, and new games to teach them. More children come to play with Bilbo. He gets tuckered out easily and can’t hold them up (for his wound is easily aggravated to start bleeding again).  Bilbo starts to feel worse and worse each day from his infection starting to generate a fever in him and his lack of nutrition.

Dis notices Bilbo is looking gaunter and frailer each day. She always brings him a bowl of food at lunch with the kid’s meals. She starts to question why she never sees him in the camp at night, if he’s eating enough(because Bilbo does want to eat, but he knows eating with only prolong his eventual death). He manages to wiggle his way through her questions. At the end of the day when all the children are picked up she sees a figure like Bilbo heading down the mountainside.

Bilbo has a small spot where he sleeps. He doesn’t have much to shelter him from the night but he at least has a small overhanging of rock to huddle under at night. The pain and hunger usually keep Bilbo awake and in the middle of the night Sting started to glow blue. Bilbo slips on the ring and takes a look around, he sees Orc slowly creeping up the way towards the strong hold of tents, no one is sounding any alarms, so Bilbo hurries up the side of the mountain where he know he’ll be heard and screams “Orcs!” Perhaps some of the company(who haven’t been able to find or see Bilbo since the battle, recognize his voice)

The encampment is notified as the Orcs try to figure out who gave them away and attack the settlement. New dwarves who have just arrived eagerly go to fight e Orcs. In the fry of fighting, an Arrow hit’s Bilbo in the shoulder. Fili saw where his arrow seemed to stop mid air, hit an invisible force, and disappear.

The dwarves win, easily, and Fili calls to Kili who seems to be patting around calling out something to in a low voice. Kili tells Fili what he saw and they wonder if it was their burglar was the unseen person who called out to them in warning.

Bilbo manages to pull the arrow out of his shoulder and bandage that up, silently pleading for this end. The next Bilbo’s fever is really bad and manages to fall asleep while the children are running about pretending to be adventurers. It’s lunchtime and Fili and Kili are helping their mum take food to the children and inquire about the bigger bowl. She explains to them about a man named Bilbo watching the children and how poor in health he seems to be in. They are shocked to hear the hobbit is still around, and wonder why they haven’t seen him. Dis says she saw him walk off to the bottom of the mountain one night, she didn’t want to follow him and scare him but guesses he sleeps down there, but doesn’t know why. Fili and Kili share a look, it was Bilbo who had warned the camp about the Orcs.

When they arrive to give the children food, they see Bilbo asleep against a small boulder, an island in the sea of grass in the area. Fili and Kili are happy to see Bilbo again but when they approach him, they can tell everything isn’t all right. Bilbo has an alarmingly high temperature and he barely wakes upon the vigorous encouragement to arise from the brothers. Dis tells her boys to take him to the healer’s tent when they discover his infected side wound and Kili doesn’t miss the arrow wound either. Fili manages to scoop up the Shireling and Bilbo protest, saying he can’t go into Erebor. Fili and Kili are shocked that Bilbo would obey Thorin’s words even if that meant his death. Dis sees her sons know something and demands to know what. As they walk they tell the shortened version of what happened and Uncle’s anger. Dis scoffs at the repeat of Thorin’s words and tells Fili to take Bilbo to their tent and Kili to get a healer. She’ll deal with her brother. Bilbo protests all they way into Erebor, feebly struggling, he manages out one more “no” just a few feet into Erebor’s halls, before he passes out.

Thorin had just been approved to walk around when Dis entered his tent and gave the King punch and kick to the family jewels, rendering him back down. Dis rants about his treatment to the Hobbit, and his greed over a bloody stone. Thorin is confused as to why Dis is suddenly so mad. She explained to him that Bilbo had been watching the children and helping around even though he was gravely wounded, feverish and starving- all because he respect Thorin too much to overstep his banishment from Erebor and getting aide he rightly deserved. Dis chews out he brother more before she huffs in the end and tells Thorin to apologize to Bilbo. He was only trying to save his people from an unnesiccary war.

Thorin gets up, again, and they walk to Fili and Kili’s tent where the rest of the company has already congregated but kicked out by the healers. Thorin enters the tent with Dis. Thorin winces at Bilbo’s ugly infested wounds. They’re black, red, and pus filled and Thorin is thankful the hobbit is asleep. Thorin is hurt a little when the Princes see Thorin and move in front of Bilbo, like he was going harm the Halfling. He makes peace and reassures them he doesn’t wish to harm the Hobbit, but to apologize. The healers tell him, they aren’t sure if he is going to live.

I know I have everything up to this point but the filler should decide the ending. Angsty or Happy. I will be pleased. Once again, sorry this is more of an outline. Feel free to alter and take any which way ye please!

hat's the long version but I had to cut it down a lot.....

Bilbo helped fight in the Battle of the Five Armies, and they’ve miraculously won. Thorin has been hit hard, but he will live, so he hasn’t apologize to Bilbo. He has forbidden Bilbo to even step foot in Erebor again.

Unknown to the others, Bilbo’s side had been shredded pretty badly by an Orc blade. Bilbo knows the wound is infected and won’t make it back to the Shire alive. Gandalf has been busy counseling the three races and their treaty. And he refuses to step into the caves of Erebor where the healing tent is stationed because he disobey Thorin again. Basically the Hobbit is just waiting to die of infection or starvation, because that’s where the food is, and so he waits to die at the foot of Erebor.

But until he dies, he tries to help around, after he’s managed to crudely bandage himself up and hide his bloodied shirt with his waistcoat. He sees a mother dwarf, who Bilbo doesn’t know is Dis, trying to calm a group of youngins and goes up with a bright smile and asks them if they want to hear a story. She smiles gratefully at Bilbo who begins to weave a tale for the children. This becomes his duty, every morning when the children come out to play, Bilbo is waiting there with his stories and games. Bilbo starts to feel worse each day from his infection and fever rising in him with lack of nutrition. Dis notices Bilbo is looking gaunter each day.She starts to question him and brings him food with the children's at lunch.(Bilbo does want to eat, but he knows eating with only prolong his eventual death).

Bilbo sleeps at the bottom of the mountain but pain and hunger usually keep him up. One night Sting starts to glow. Bilbo slips on the ring and spots some Orcs are slowly creeping up toward the tents. Bilbo runs ahead of them and screams “Orcs!” In the fray of fighting, an arrow hits Bilbo in the shoulder. Fili saw where his arrow stopped mid air, hit an invisible force, and disappear.

Bilbo manages to pull the arrow out of his shoulder and bandage it up, silently pleading for his end. The next day Bilbo’s fever is really bad and falls asleep while the children are playing. Fili and Kili are helping their mum take food to the children and inquire about the bigger bowl. She explains to them about Bilbo watching the children and how poor his health is. They are shocked to hear the hobbit is still around. Dis says she suspects he sleeps down the moutainside, but doesn’t know why. Fili and Kili share a look, it was Bilbo who had warned the camp about the Orcs.

When they arrive, they see Bilbo slumped against a boulder and the brothers can tell everything isn’t all right. Bilbo is burning up and he barely wakes upon their shouts. Dis tells her boys to take him to the healer’s tent when they discover his wounds and Kili spies arrow wound. Fili scoops up the protesting Hobbit, saying he can’t go into Erebor. Fili and Kili are shocked that Bilbo would obey Thorin’s words even if that meant his death. Dis makes them explain what is going on and she tells them to tend to the Hobbit, she’ll deal with Thorin. Bilbo protests all the way and manages out one more “no” just a few feet into Erebor’s halls, before he passes out.

Thorin had just been approved to walk around when Dis entered his tent and beats him back down. Thorin is confused as to why Dis is suddenly so mad. She scold him and explains that Bilbo had been watching the children and helping around even though he was gravely wounded, feverish and starving- all because he respected Thorin too much to overstep his banishment from Erebor and getting aide he rightly deserved. In the end she tells Thorin to apologize to Bilbo.

They go to the tent where the rest of the company has already congregated but kept out by the healers. Entering the tent with Dis, Thorin winces at Bilbo’s ugly infested wounds and he is thankful the hobbit is asleep. When the Princes see Thorin they move in front of Bilbo, like he was going harm the Halfling. He reassures them he doesn’t wish to harm the Hobbit, but to apologize. The healers tell him, they aren’t sure if he is going to live.

I know I have everything up to this point but the filler should decide the ending. Angsty or Happy. I will be pleased. Sorry this is more of an outline. Feel free to alter and take any which way ye please!

#11 To Disappear

La-dee- da everyone lives after the battle of the 5 armies and Thorin’s banishment on Bilbo still stands.

Bilbo can’t bear the thought of going back to the Shire and living a bland exsistance there anymore. Not with the rest of the world to see. With the power of the ring, he disappears on the horizon one night and nowhere on Middle Earth can he be found. Not even Gandalf with the aide of Elves and a other contacts find or hear any tell tale signs of the Hobbit. Back in the Shire, one night locks appear on Bad Ends and no one can get in no matter how hard the try.
Bilbo had abandoned the name Bilbo Baggins, going around as a nameless Hobbit, always on the go, never staying any place too long. He carries with him a pack, his sword, and two books. A small red leather one he recounts his previous journey on, and another small dark blue one, recording customs, odd tidbits, and thoughts.

Somewhere along the way he comes across a caravan of dwarves going to Erebor. A woman dwarf was trying to haggle for supplies and the menfolk were giving her a hard time. Bilbo asked how much and paid for the supplies(with money he gathered from the troll cave). The woman thanks Bilbo, but asks him what he wants out of it. With a wry smile Bilbo says he hasn’t heard a good story in awhile. The lady dwarf brings Bilbo to their camp and at dinner introduces herself as Dis. Bilbo knows who she is immediately, but manages to not make a face of surprise.

She asks him for his name and Bilbo says he has no name, for his past self died. Dis says she can’t keep calling him hobbit and gives him a name. She starts to tell him of stories about her two sons and brother when they were younger. Bilbo is delighted at her stories, and tells her of his misadventures as a child and then of his crazy cousins Merry and Pippin.

Dis lets it slips she’s the sister of the New King of Erebor. She explains what her sons have told her. About their journey and a Hobbit that helped her brother take their home back. Bilbo Baggins was his name, and her sons spoke of a fondness for him. Dis would like a chance to meet the Hobbit and judge for herself. Bilbo just smiled and nods.

Bilbo travels with the caravan a bit and along the way Dis begins to suspect the nameless Hobbit is Bilbo. So one morning she uses his name in an innocent question and he automatically responds before he realized what she’s done. She grins and hugs him with all her might before he can get away. She tries tor reason with him to come to Erebor again and she’ll talk sense into her brother. When that doesn’t work, she knocks him out and ties him up, and puts him in one of the wagons.

Bilbo gets nervous as they approach Erebor. Thorin had promised to kill him after all, if they met again. Dis assures she wont let harm come to him. As Bilbo predicted Thorin isn’t pleased to see him and goes to order him out but Dis throws back that she and Bilbo are engaged. Bilbo and the others are absolutely flabbergasted. Dis knows Thorin wont throw Bilbo out now. Shenanigans and drama occurs until Thorin either admits he’s wrong about the Hobbit (or if you ship Thilbo like I do) That he does like the Hobbit, but he was hurt about the entire ordeal.

Bonus Points for Fili and Kili, after their initial shock, start to tease and call Bilbo 'Dad'

#12: Edge of Night

Bilbo singing "Edge of Night" song to a dying/injured dwarf.

#13: Bilbo: A Cold Embrace

Hobbits have a defense mechanism to keep themselves alive in straining conditions. If they ever get too cold for a long period of time, with little food intake, they fall into a sort of hibernation to keep their body alive.
Bilbo has fallen into this state only once before, when he was a tween and a harsh winter fell upon the Shire. He begins to recognize the signs but he can’t find a way to keep himself warm enough because he knows he can’t cut into their rations so one day while they are walking or simply one morning, the Hobbit falls asleep and wont wake upon any institance of the dwarves. Gandalf knows what has happened to Bilbo, for he was there that winter in the Shire. The company tries many different ways to warm up Bilbo.

Bonus points for cuddling their hobbit to warm him up!

#14: Bilbo: Raising Fili Baggins

When Fili and Kili were tots they were both kidnapped from Dis and Thorin. The kidnappers thought Kili was Thorin’s child be cause of his dark hair and left Fili on the edge of the Shire to get rid of their excess baggage.

Here comes along a young Bilbo who has just recently lost his parents and he’s walking out alone to get away from the piting looks of his other family. He finds a hurt and hungry Fili, he convinces the little dwarfling to accept his help and nurtures him back to health. Fili is too young to remember much, and Bilbo sent out a notice to the Rangers of a small dwarf found but he got no replies. So after awhile Bilbo decides he will raise Fili. It gives him purpose. Perhaps the Hobbit children he grows up with don’t treat him any different. His fair hair makes him look like he could be Bilbo’s child so a lot of people assume he’s Bilbo’s biologically.

Growing up Bilbo told Fili from the start he was a dwarf, but Fili tried to fit into the Hobbit way. Maybe he self teaches himself to do metal work? Goes off to become an apprentice? Maybe when Thorin in company come to get a Burglar, they’re surprised to find a dwarf in the Shire. Fili won’t let Bilbo go alone and comes along. Will Thorin and Kili (who was recovered from the kidnappers) know right away it’s their Fili? Maybe an old necklace or beads gives him away?

Have fun!!

#15: Bilbo: Crystal Coffin

Alternate Ending to the story.

All the dwarves live, but their dear Burglar does not.

Bilbo is killed during the BOTFA protecting someone(s) important and to honor his remains he gets placed in a crystal coffin.

Bonus for defending an important person from each side of elf, dwarf, and man (ex: Legolas, Thorin, Bard)(Doesn’t have to be them)

Extra Bonus Points for him dressed up all regal, yet hobbit like, and each race gives him something special. Like the men make his clothes of the best finery, the elves a circlet of either metal or wood and possibly flowers woven into it or his hair, and the dwarves lay him with maybe the Akenstone(and possibly make him some brass hobbity buttons)?

And....possibly Sting resting in his hands?

Make me cry.

#16: Bilbo: Protector of the Young

I have a small scene in my head where it’s after the BOTFA and Thorin and Co are alive. Thorin is wounded but not gravely so, and goes in search of his kin in the healing tents where the elves have mostly taken over in treating the wounded. He spots Bilbo first, the quickly by his side on other cots, his nephews. Thranduil comes over to check the paients and he and Thorin have a tense moment, Thorin growls out questioning why Bilbo is here. Thanduil snaps he knows how to repay a debt, unlike the dwarf King. Thorin is confused. Thranduil explain Bilbo saved his son’s life and has taken upon treating him and dwarves as repayment to the hobbit, and tell Thorin is owes the hobbit a lot as well. Seeing his confused look the Elevenking explains how he found Bilbo. An unconscious Fili was in the arms of a barely awake Kili, Bilbo slumped over them both, a multitude of arrows sticking out of his back. He had protected the down brothers from a volley of arrows. Which were poisoned. They were having troubles treating the Hobbit because they didn’t have much knowledge about their species here in the East. Bilbo starts muttering in his sleep and Thorin is taken aback when Thranduil tells him to quickly grab the Hobbit’s limbs and hold them down. Bilbo has something akin to a seizure. As the spasms are dying down he mutters things like “Thorin, safe.” “Protect brothers.” “Arkenstone” “My fault, all my fault, sorry, sorry, sorry.”

I want a lot of guilty Thorin.

Happy or sad ending is up to author

#17: A History Best Forgotten: Hobbit's Feet

Ever wonder why Hobbits don’t have to wear shoes?

The dwarves do, and one evening they ask Bilbo about it. At this they’re unsettled how the Hobbit goes unnaturally quiet and solemn. Gandalf interjects it’s just how the hobbits were built. The dwarves do not buy Gandalf’s shit for one moment. Bilbo tells Gandlaf it’s okay and tells them, an age or two ago, there was a race of small creatures who’s greed surpassed the dwarves. They would plunder any town with a jewl to it’s name. Men, Elves, Dwarves, it didn’t matter who, they took and the stole. Bilbo tasks them if they ever remember a tale about their home. Where The Lonely Mountain didn’t used to be so lonely. It had other mountains surrounding and in order to get to the rich mountain of Erebor, the little creatures tore down the mountains surrounding it. The dwarves nodded in confirmation, many had nightmares about that story when they were younger. Bilbo confirms that fairytale, it’s true he says. Bilbo tells them the other races finally grouped together against the ancient race and drove them away from their great cities and coveted riches. They spent many generations on the road, trying to escape the genocide of their race. This is where they got their naturally thick sole on their feet. On this journey, it’s where they renamed themselves Hobbits and learned to value food and family of treasure.
Bilbo says he is the direct descendent of two of the three major Hobbit leaders. The Baggins and The Took, the third line had died out many generations ago. No one else but the old gaffer and Bilbo know the true heritage of the Hobbits and can read or speak of their ancient language. Bilbo tells them this is why he would never marry and have children. He intends for their history to die with him. He explains in his will, when he is dead, all of Bag Ends is to be burned. There are too many stories and secret hiding everywhere in there of their past. His parents married because they both knew of their heritage and Belladonna was told she couldn’t have children. Bilbo was a surprise for them. The burden of this knowledge will never hinder the young after he and the gaffer die.
Bilbo explains the Shire is their land of exile and their haven. Exile, because they had been forced to settle down there. There was nowhere else to go. It’s their haven because they got the chance to reshape their race and finally have a place to call home.

The dwarves’ reactions are up to author!

Bonus Points for the old name for Bilbo’s race means Burglars.

Extra Points for ‘Hobbit’ being the only word carried over from their old language and means humble.

#18: Cast Away: Bilbo/Thorin?

“Do it Thorin Oakenshield.” Bilbo dared. The kind expression the hobbit normally wore was gone in place of a scathing scowl. “Toss me over the side, and rid yourself of me.” He cocked his head to the side, taunting. “You’ll certainly be dong me a favor. I have no wish to live in a world where you value piles of lifeless shiny rocks and cold metals over your kin and friends.”

Give me angst! Just put something like this somewhere in there!

#19: Fili/Bilbo BROTP

nuff said.

Not really. I like to think Bilbo as being a confidant for FIli who has to bear being the first heir to the throne after Thorin. I can see Bilbo looking after all the younger dwarf lads but FIli and Bilbo being able to chat realistically to one another about things

Almost like brothers, or even Bilbo as an uncle to him. One who is less temperamental and biased.

Bro feels please.

#20: A New Life: Durin Family

Thorin and Dis are traveling around after the fall of Erebor with Fili and Kili looing for work. They happen upon the Shire at the start of their biggest festival of the year and Thorin and Dis manage to get work (Washing dishes, mending things, fixing broken silverware, chopping wood, etc whatever.)
Fili and Kili are allowed tor relax for once and play with other children.
Dis meets a hobbit lass by the name of Belladonna Baggins, married for a few years to Bungo Baggins, and they hit it off. (Badass BBFLs people) Belladonna invites Dis and her family to stay with her and Bungo at Bag Ends, there is far too much empty space.
They end up living there with the Baggins in the Shire at Bag Ends as the new smiths in hobbiton.
Fili and Kili get into the habit of calling Bella and Bungo Aunt and Uncle.
Then Bella gets pregnant.
Little Fili and Kili eagerly claim the unborn hobbit as their new sibling.
Baby Bilbo Baggins is born and her grows up knowing his odd family.

Perhaps a few scenes of Bilbo being taught how to braid, fight, speak the dwarven language?

Extra points for another scene where Thorin accidentally lets it slip what happened to his home in front of Bilbo and the little hobbit child makes him a flower crown and promises to get Thorin his home back.

Family fluff. Please. I need it.

#21: Crowns of Repentance: Bilbo Baggins

A wounded Bilbo watches from afar as his friends are herald as Heros in a parade up the road to Erebor. The extent of his wounds are up to the author. (If they aren’t too terrible, He’s managed to bandage them up as best as he could, though he’s almost certain he’ll always have a limp for the rest of his life.)

Gandalf finds him looking upon the parade and urges him to talk to the others, he helped just as much as the rest of the company. The wizard fails to convince Bilbo that Thorin would surely take back his banishment. Bilbo tells Gandalf it’s all right if the history books claim only 13 dwarves and a wizard took back the Mountain, and asks the wizard to give the flower laurels he made to the dwarves, as a small repentance. The flowers can have specific meanings if you want.

Gandalf only does so to ease Bilbo’s mind, the dwarves accept them from Gandalf not knowing they are from the Hobbit.

Seeing them wear the laurels happy make Bilbo happy and he limps away to an nearby flower field to rest for night, planning on taking off the next morning.

What happens next is up to author. Do the dwarves question the flower laurel and Gandalf spills the beans about Bilbo’s guilt? Hobbit scavenger hunt? Does Bilbo find his eternal rest on the hillside of Erebor? Or does he go back to the Shire still laden with guilt?

I prefer lots of angst but anything goes.
Even shipy if you want. :)

#22: Silver Tounge: Bilbo

When Bilbo enters Smaug's horade area, the dragon is ecstatic that someone is brave enough to come and seek out his treasure, even delighted that this creature is one of wit and sharp tongue. It's been such a long and dreay time with just the gold and gems for company, but he's unwilling to leave it unguarded. He can't find the clever creature anywhere and keeps Bilbo talking, enough to know he's in the room and breathes out a special smoke that knocks Bilbo safely unconscious. He pinpoints the area where the invisible thief fell down in the gold and senses the power of the ring. Managing to carefully take the ring off, Smaug is surprised such a little creature is the one who snuck in, and decides then to keep Bilbo for the company.

Bilbo wakes to find himself in gilded cage, hanging above the mountains of gold, eye to eye with none other than Smaug the Terrible himself. Who's simply eager to test his new companion's wit.

Meanwhile the dwarves are freaking out that their Burglar hasn't come back yet.

Any pairings welcome!!

#23: Silent Smial: Bilbo

One night the dwarves talk about what they're going to do after they're given their share of the treasure and start talking about family and friends and the businesses they want to open with them. Bilbo remains quiet and subdued as they all go on sharing what grand gifts they'd give to their loved ones, feeling a bit empty that he has no one to love like that.

Someone asks who Bilbo will return to and what he plans to do.
Bilbo says he'll give the gold to help rebuild Erebor, he doesn't have a use for it. When the dwarves press him about family and wooing his loved one Bilbo confesses he does't have any direct family anymore(they find out his parents died?), no siblings(for whatever reason), or likes any lass(he didn't exactly have the best reputation in his tween years for courting as he still ran about the Shire with fauntlings in search of adventure). I want a lot of repressed feelings of isolation and despair from Bilbo think of having to return to nothing more than a home filled with books and trinkets, while his fellow companions(who he's grown to see as a new odd sorts of family for him) will stay at Erebor with their families.

Reactions from dwarves?

Bonus points for Bilbo confessing his life is already half over and doesn't expect to ever have a family of his own.(culture lesson!)

Super Extra points for Bilbo telling the company they're like the family he always wanted (Fili and Kili start to fondly call Bilbo Uncle :3?)

Also something small perhaps a comment Bilbo makes offhandedly about he won't ever be hailed as hero in the Shire so it really doesn't matter anyways


Any pairings welcome!

#24: Walk of Shame: Bilbo

Bilbo is a BAMF during BOFTA and is the one who managed to slay Azog, drawing him away from the Royal line of Durin before they could be killed. However not soon enough as Thorin is in a coma from a blow to the head. Also sometime during the battle(possibly right before he slew Azog) Bilbo’s left tiba is shattered. Legolas was the only one to witness his great deed and injury and takes the hobbit to receive medical aide. For some reason or another the dwarves forget to look for Bilbo (either because they them selves are seriously injured or are too busy helping around). Meanwhile Bilbo is waiting for anything from the dwaves- hoping he’ll be forgiven. Not knowing that Thorin in a coma he gives up waiting after a few weeks and Legolas(they’ve become buddies) helps him to Rivendale where he is escorted home by Elrond’s people(after Elrond probably keeps him there till he can walk).

Bilbo’s leg is never the same again. He has to walk with much aide of a cane. His leg is in constant pain, that reminds him daily of what he’s lost. He withers away in solitude and pain until he adopts Frodo. Who helps him more than Bilbo wants to help Frodo. He helps Bilbo get out there again and brightens his life.

(On super bad days for Bilbo, he’ll slip a sleeping draught into his Uncle’s tea and curl up beside him all day.)

A super long time since BOFTA in Erebor, Thorin finally wakes up only to find Thranduil has been caring for his wounds and his sister is doing a fine job of running things in his absence. He asks for Bilbo and the company hasn’t seen him. Someone says they saw him on the battlefield but he hasn’t been found. Legolas and Gimli(who are buds) come in (relaying a message from Dain or something?) and Legolas tells them Bilbo was escorted home because he thought he was not wanted.

((Extra Bonus points for Thranduil and Dis being BFFs))

Cue trip to the Shire to make amends. When they get there, it’s a bad day for Bilbo’s leg and when he awnsers the door he’s positively terrified. His legs gives out and Frodo comes to his Uncle’s rescue and beats the Dwarves out with a broom.

The dwarves feel super duper guilty and confused that Bilbo fears them. They decide to try again the next day in smaller chunks. (perhaps the most lovable ones like Fili, Kili, and Bofur come first?)

(Maybe Gandalf arrives the next morning and convinces Bilbo (and to a lesser extent Frodo) to hear out the dwarves)

Whoever comes first are horrified to see Bilbo with a cane and the story that goes along with it.

How do all the dwarves deal with Bilbo’s injury? Seeing him in pain? Dealing with little Frodo’s disapproving glares?

Lot of guilty Dwarves and emotional and physical anguish from Bilbo.

Any pairings welcome!

#25: Hail Hobbit King of Erebor: Bilbo/Thorin?

Okay, BOFA time. *cackles* Thorin is dying on the battle field from a pretty serious wound and he doesn’t know if Fili and Kili are alive. Just then Bilbo finds him(a lot of blood running down the sid eof his head) and Dwalin along in tow(maybe he helped Bilbo look for Thorin?).

Angst between Bilbo and Thorin, who apologizes to the hobbit. Thorin isn't stupid, he knows what he has put the hobbit though. He expresses his worry about Fili and Kili (who are no where to be found) and he’s pretty sure he won't live. He doesn’t want the mountain going back to someone who didn’t fight for it(*cough*Dain*cough*).

Dwalin explains to Bilbo why Thorin can't just appoint a new heir because none of the company can take the role as they aren’t closer to the throne by blood more than Dain is. Thorin acknowledges this and asks Bilbo to marry him. Thorin knows he has no right to ask after all Bilbo has done for them but it’s the only way he can ensure the mountain will be under a ruler who has rightfully fought for Erebor. Bilbo hesitates, and Dwalin clearly tells him Bilbo would have rule over the mountain(though of course he'd have the aide of the Company...what's left of it anyways). He would become King.

Something about Thorin’s sad state and ragged breathing convinces Bilbo to marry the dying dwarf. Dwalin does the ceremony(something with using scraps of bloodied cloth to 'tie the knot' by dwarves standards?), feeding Bilbo the requires lines of the marriage vows. They get through the rite, and Thorin slips his Durin crested ring into Bilbo’s finger and they seal the marriage with a kiss? Forhead bump? Something?

Right after Thorin passes out and Bilbo cries, fearing he's already a widower. Some healers are there immediately and take Thorin away. One of the company came during the middle of the vows? Bofur? and consoles Bilbo. They head back and there is Dain who thinks he’s taking charge as Thorin's life hangs in the balance, but Bilbo interrupts and Dwalin confirms his marriage to Thorin. Many are shocked but they don't go against a dying King's husband.

Now Bilbo is acting King and negotiates solemly with Bard and Thranduil. Balin or the company all come and thank Bilbo for everything, and promise to help him in anyway they can. (organizing food, clean up, etc.) Someone presents Bilbo with the King’s crown they found in the treasury. Bilbo Baggins is now truly the Hobbit King of Erebor, maybe for just awhile, or maybe for good.

I would prefer if all the Royal Durins live but it's up to filler. Give me angst darlings! Other pairings welcome!
#26: From Death's Arms: Belladonna/Bungo  Bilbo/Thorin

Hobbit's have two forms of marriage. One is a happy gathering under the Party Tree and flowers galore and everyone is present. The second kind is much rarer, and used only in pressing circumstances.

The second kind of marriage is a fast and simple ritual spoken in Hobbitish that only needs to be said by one side of the party. It's that way so incase the sick/dying person who may or may not be able to speak or think coherently won't have to do anything. Once the words have been spoken, anyone, even on the brink of death can make a full recovery (you can decide if there is price to pay from the speaker's side like half a life time to live after or something).

This is actually how Bilbo's parent were married. Bungo, a respectable Baggins, loathed the Took's adventurous tendencies and he and Belledonna were usually at each other's throats. One day Bungo was attacked and Belladonna found him on the brink of death and completed the ritual. She didn't expect him to actually turn around and come to love her afterwards. They became really close and Bungo even encouraged Belledonna's and wee Bilbo's mini adventures in the forest.

Now, at the journey I can see this happening a couple different ways. Either Bilbo performs the ritual at night to Thorin the night he planned to originally hand over the Arkenstone, and thus heals him of his gold sickness and he makes peace with the men and elves. OR he uses this ritual on the battlefield and saves Thorin's life.

If you could throw in some Bilbo trying to keep what he did hush hush and some angst about thinking Thorin wouldn't like the idea of being married(by Shire standards) to a Hobbit, that would be most excellent. Weather Thorin finds out or not is up to the writer.

This can be just Belledonna/Bungo and/or Bilbo/Thorin. Have fun!

Multiple fills are welcome!

organizing, the hobbit, ladyredfeather, the hobbit kink meme, prompts

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