Title: Lazarus (Chapter 14)
Fandom: Torchwood
Rating: PG-13 (mostly swearing)
Pairing/Characters: Ianto; Jack; Gwen; Martha; Mickey; Rhys; Alonso; OCs (Jack/Ianto and there probably will be mentions of Gwen/Rhys)
Genre: General so far, but maybe romance eventually? It is after all a Janto fic
Summary: Nine months later and Ianto wakes up from
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Also Yay for Eye of the Tiger!!! I LOVE that song :D xx
Eye of the Tiger is one of the best songs ever made! I loved it! love even more Jensen Ackles dancing to it!
SQUEEEEE at Jensen Ackles!!! That is the best outtake ever!!!!!!!!!! It made me smile just thinking about it! I associate Eye of the Toger more with Supernatural now than Rocky which to be honest is a good thing!! :D xx
I love Jensen Ackles! I have a major crush on him! He's too perfect for his own good!
Jensen Ackles is a bit perfect lol but i'm a Sammy girl! He's so cute! I like tall men lol! I love Supernatural so much and i'm so bummed there now showing Season 5 on ITV cos I don;t have living so i'm gonna have to find another way to watch it :( xx
I'm totally a Dean girl! I only started to see Supernatural because of Jensen. I totally love him!! you can downloaded from the internet. That's what I do!
Lol! Well at least we don't have to fight over them lol! I think i'm gonna watch it online! When I get round to it! Supernatural withdrawal!!!
You know what though I also love Castiel more than a little lol! He's cute! :D
yep! I hate Sam!!! watching online is a option too!
Castiel is totally awesome! I love him! He's totally funny! Misha Collins is super funny too.
Ouch! lol! Don't hate Sam! I don't hate Dean but i prefer Sam! lol!
Castiel is fast becoming one of my fav characters!! He's awesome! He's so dry!! Thanks for the add by the way! :D
I can't help it. Sam just annoyed the hell out of me. I can't make myself like him. I love Jared, but I hate Sam!
We got a couple of fandoms in common and it's always good to have friends in LJ, babble about our favorite shows so I friended you!
Besides, makes it easier for me to keep track of your work! loved that small being human fic! =D
Ah poor Sam! He has puppy eyes! lol! Ok I will forgive you! As long as you like jared lol!
Yeah its really good! We have quite a few fandoms in common lol! Goves us stuff to chat about! Ah thank you! It's the first one for BH i've ever written! Just wrote my first Star Trek McCoy/Kirk fic! Waiting for it to be beta'd! At some point soon i'm going to write a supernatural fic! I'm doing Castiel/Anna pairing and I'm a bit scared but I really want to write it lol! xx
I like Jared... He kind of reminds me of a dog.. Huge and happy... it's sweet, but Sam is too angsty for my taste. Don't like it.
I've read some Kirk/McCoy fics and I thought it was cool. Got to admit, I especially liked the new movie because of Karl Urban. He made a awesome McCoy.
Castiel/Anna... never thought of it, but I'll read
it. That's the way to find out new ships, by reading them!
He's so cute!!! Lol! Oh no! Do you not like angst because I write a lot of angst lol!
I'm quite new to it because I only watched Star trekk this week! I've watched it twice through thats how much i loved it!!
I LOVE KARL URBAN!!! He is brilliant as McCoy! The perfect choice! He made him such a brilliant character and I ship Kirk/Mccoy now! Kral Urban is just one of those guys who can make any character great! He's a brilliant actor! He's so pretty too! ;)
Ooooo! If you will read it I will write it lol! Yeah thats true! Thats how I got ships for Kirk/McCoy and Sean/Ash from Hustle! Its weird because when I was watching the show I thought there might be some past between them! I don't know it just felt like they were more than they let on! It might be quite angsty tho lol! xx
Depends on the angst. I like it in the right amount. Dean is angsty, but he balances out with his sarcasm. Sam is TOO angsty.
I watched Star Trek last year and I totally fell in love with it. Kirk rocks, Spock rocks and McCoy... well, I don't even have to say it: he rocks big time.
Karl Urban is one of my favorite actors. I love everything he does (except Riddick. That was awful. The only thing good was Karl), I even loved him in Xena with bleached blonde hair and wings! he made a lovable cupid!
Lol! Well hopefully you wont think I'm too angsty lol!
Star Trek is such a good film because it has an awesome cast!! There's not a bad actor in it!!
He's one of mine too! I love him in Doom! I know a lot of people think it's not a good film but I really like that film! And he rocks in it! I haven't seen Xena but I want to see him with wings lol!!!! :D x
You're right. Star Trek has an amazing cast. Even Chris Pine did a excellent job and he's not one of the best actors out there!
I love Doom too! It's one of my favorite movies. I don't get it why people say its bad. Action: check. Plot: check. Guns: check. Hot guy: HUGE CHECK! There isn't one single thing I don't love about that movie.... well, maybe its costume. Karl Urban was wearing too many clothes! LOL
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