Title: 66. Bad Timing (The Boy Next Door Series)
Pairing/Characters: Merlin/Arthur
Genre: Humor/General/Romance/GenderBender
Summary: “Arthur didn’t tell you?” Merlin just shakes her head, more worried and confused. “Today makes exactly three years our mom died.”
Warning: Girl! Merlin; possibly out of character, but hopefully, only slightly.
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Comments 18
Make Merlin snap out of her Anti-Arthur mode.
It's not good.
she'll give in soon enough... I think... not sure... sometimes even I don't know what will happen in this fic!
How much of it do you have written up so far?
I'm not writing as frequently as I used to because my classes started and I only have sometime during the night... But I have lots of things in my head already. all I have to do is put into the page.
Next on the line: Lancelot! =D
Arthur wooing Merlin was cute and fluffy, I love all her excuses for keeping the stuff he gives her. But still that last line.
Can't wait for the next update
*Try again*
Arthur <33 :'( ~
I get sometimes the impression that Morgana here is 12-14 years old (But there is the "Arthur-forgot-to-take-me-from-the-pool!-:(" part - Someone said 9-10 years old?). So... how old is she? ^^"
And I agree with niarini about Merlin's excuses and the last line. :D
answering your question, Morgana is 12 years old in this fic.
The whole "Arthur forgot me in the swim class" happened when she was pretty new in town, so she still needed Arthur to take her to places and Andrew is extremely overprotective of his little girl (he's a bit like my father actually hehe).
Merlin got him! =D
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