Aug 12, 2008 21:20
I went up to school today to see what I could get done in my room. Not much.....the room was disheveled and everything was placed randomly. The technical work is still being completed so that I can have my computers hooked back up. I am going to be getting a projector I think and eventually a smartboard. The general ed classrooms all get a smartboard this year, but the brackets to put them up aren't in yet. Everyone's rooms are in disarray so I don't feel that frustrated, but I also don't have quite as much work to do as the gen ed teachers do.
I have at least twelve students that will be coming to me or I will go to them throughout the day. I'm not quite sure how this will work. I am getting more excited and nervous at the same time as it gets closer to the end of the week. Monday the 18th is our first staff development day and the kids come back on Monday the 25th.
I'm going to work on my room some tomorrow and see what I can get done. Need to figure out the arrangement of the room this year. Might be able to change the placement of my desk and the student computers.
My foot is doing better. Still sore, but not infected thankfully.