Rotations, cons, graduating!

Nov 19, 2007 09:31

Hmm, it's been a while, hasn't it... time seems to have flown by. I'm almost done with school - I graduate in 3 weeks. This last rotation is Surgery, which sucks a lot, but Thanksgiving gives me some nice days off. Any day I can avoid doing a surgery is a good day. They're just as bad as I remember them from January. I don't even mind the 24 hour shifts (which I do once a week), since there's no surgeries at night, and it means I can be off during the next day. I do them on Thursdays to give myself a 3 day weekend. I got some sleep during my first one, but not during the second, so I guess it all depends on how busy it is that night.

In other news, John and I are going to a new con in January, Arisia. It's in MA (oh, we're also going to a wedding in January. Yay, excuse to buy new fancy dress!) Here's why I decided to go: I was talking to Brian from WPI online, for the first time in about a year, and we were talking about different cons. He mentioned Arisia, which I'd heard about but never been to, and said it was really fun, and he was going and wouldn't mind sharing a room with John and I. So I figured, why not, it's fairly close and I might actually be working by then, which means money :P Brian's girlfriend was also very sweet and offered to make me a chain mail bikini top, hehe. I'm still trying to decide what color I want it to be. I need to start planning my outfits too; I want to get that Catwoman/Dominatrix costume and just wear it without the Catwoman mask.

Okay, I guess that's good enough for now. You'll probably hear from me again after I graduate, so bye bye!

con, rotation, wedding

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