thefridayfive1. What song would you sing to your newborn child? (OR if you already had a child, which song did you sing to him/her?)
2. How do you think animals think? (i.e. in animal language, human language, etc.)
Well, I'm not going to pretend that I can speak for all animals but I will attempt to use my cat as an example. From what I have observed his mind seems to work something like this:
In the morning while ones human is still sleeping but before the alarm goes off make sure one jumps on top of the human and sprawls on their chest while rubbing ones cold nose on their face.
translation: Get your lazy ass out of bed and feed me dammit!
When one senses the human preparing to depart the apartment, retreat to the closet to the secret spot on top of the pet taxi and hide amid the bags and clothing.
translation: Leaving me alone again. Dammit!
"Mrw. Mrw. Mrw." and hurling oneself onto ones side upon the floor impeding a humans forward progression toward the bathroom upon entering the aprartment, followed by purring that could drown out a speeding Harley Davidson. translation: Pet me dammit!
"Mrrwwww!" and running toward the food bowl.
translation: Feed me dammit!
After dinner, and after a visit to the litter igloo, one starts racing around the apartment pouncing on anything and everthing and eventually tackling and taking down the scratching post while punctuating all this activity with an occaisional, "Mrrwww!"
translation : Play with me dammit!
Apres play, stretching out on the floor in front of the furnace and rolling around before settling down for a major grooming session beginning with ones paws.
translation: Sated, satisfied, and wants to look pretty for bedtime.
Once one is presentable, one invades the humans lap which is located in the chair parked in front of the computer and claims it for a bed. But before falling asleep one must make sure ones human is properly groomed and pretty for bed, as well.
translation: Zzzzzzzzzzzzz
3. As a child, did you have a dream to make a difference in the world? Can you describe your dream?
I used to have a reocurring dream of large, inundating waves crashing into the shore. I always left me with the feeling of being overwhelmed by something I was not able to control.
The dreams ceased when I began surfing. I have not had one in years.
4. Do you believe in God/a Higher Being?
No, only lower ones.
5. Do you believe in aliens?
I want to believe...