It is starting again. Sunday, I worked a 16 hour shift, working at the speed of light, with no break, and covered in excrement. Last night, I spent the whole night fighting to keep a beagle puppy alive only to witness his euthanasia at 6am. I really do not get fairly compensated for the work I do.
On a happier note.........
I would like to congratulate Philip Seymour Hoffman on his Oscar win. I have been saying it for 2 years now, the man is a brilliant actor and truly deserves the honor. YES!!!!!!!!!
Speaking of Oscars, the Monterey County Herald ran a front page story on a CSUMB alumni, TAT graduate that won an Oscar for his work producing a documentary. I could not find the actual story on the net so I don't have his name or the name of the film he was involved in making but he was almost a science major and switched to film. Sounds vaguely familiar.........the article also stated he was a prominent, motivated student at TAT. With any luck, I will follow in his footsteps.
I have a new Myspace page.
amyravenwood I am having fun with it so far. I am not blogging there, I mostly want it for the music. A lot of my friends' bands have profiles up now. I finally got in touch with Brett from the Pyronauts via Myspace. He only drinks Sailor Jerry's now because of me. I have made some cool new friends, mostly guys just being guys. Some of them are creepy with names like, I'd Eat You Alive or some metal band from Kansas called Death Creeping In. Sounds so, omnious. Omnious would be a far better band name. I didn't approve either one to be my friend. I did meet up with a girl from NH that I used to know. Trish, is now in a surf/punk/garage band called Hotrod Fury. She is the drummer and she/they are pretty good too. She found me which was weird. She knows Dusty Watson (Sam's Dusty) via our mutual friend Joe King and she knows my little bro. Right on!
I saw 3KYE979 sitting in his car at 218 and Fremont. Still not getting any closer to meeting him. I don't think he is on Myspace either. Damn!