Today sucks ass

Dec 13, 2004 01:26

My day was reasonably ok, but just went to the shits two hours ago and I feel like either breaking down crying or screaming angrily... probably the first one more with a bit of frustrated tears.

I've been working on a clay piece, a clay box, and it's beautiful as hell. It's one of the nicest pieces I've worked on so far. It's in it's drying phase, has been so for two days so far. I show it to my whole family, and Alara's seen it. She's said it's nice. And it's pretty damn sweet considering I super suck when it comes to clay.

Two hours ago I looked at the box on it's drying spot on my work table..... the cut out pattern for the box has been broken... it's in pieces inside the box. I freak out, cause just this morning the piece was all in once piece, I check out to make sure it's all stable... and it was sound.

I ask Kim "Has Trinity touched the clay box?" He says and points behind him, "Why don't you ask her?" I ask, "Trinity, did you touch this box?" She shakes her head. Kim looks at her, "Trinity, are you lying?" She then says "I'm sorry." I grimace, trying not to have a freak out attack and just turn away as Kim says to her, "Don't touch things that aren't yours, and why did you lie about it?"

I immediately turn to a few online multiplayer games to squash some stress... and this idiot learning-disability or social-retard bugs the fuck out of me. If I don't respond to every damn tell, he goes "Helloo?" then has the nerve to say some stupid shit like "i guess its my night to be ignored." Honestly, you fucker, get the fucking clue. I stayed away from that game for more than two weeks cause you fucking piss me off.

You can't take the hint that I can't stand people who:

1) Cannot spell for shit
It's CUSTOM not custem you shit. And it's each, not EATCH, you BIATCH.)

2) Constantly whine like some pre-teen a girl about a girl they like who isn't interested in him, has made it 100% clear and he whines like a bitch because she's doing dirty stuff over the internet with someone who obviously isn't him... which by the way, he only knows this chick he's mooning after over the internet. Get over it, idiot, it doesn't matter who she fucken spreads her cyber thighs or whatever for, she's not your frickin' property, you have no claim and I'm sure she'd count herself fortunate for it if you're as annoying to her as you are to me, you dumb shit.

3) Make frothing vegetables sound intelligent. Seriously... you're a dipshit.

I was always pissed off whenever he bugged me, but now I'm even more pissed since I've said to him "I don't feel like talking much, please leave me alone." And still he goes "Helloo?" STUPID MOTHER FUCKER!!! You're so goddamn lucky this game doens't have a snub feature, I'll just stick to ignoring your dumbass!!! WHen you spoke to me in this game and the text message came out garbled, I figured it was the race language coherency interfering... but NO! You just can't fucking spell or use proper grammar, you sack of donkey turd!

::sighs:: I'm trying to repair the box trinity broke... but... repairs are never as good as the original state....... it was so nice.. god I feel like crying. I suppose no one would really understand the significance of it and why that box is so important to me....... it's part of a gift for a really, really important occasion... yeah, my fifth anniversary with Matt.
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