Jan 25, 2006 21:36
Today is the first day of me not yelling and losing it on Lucas. I have come to the conclusion that I yell to much, it is draining me and him. So today was the first day where I had to force myself to remain in control. If you have ever dealed with a jekle/hyde 3 year old you know this is not an easy task. But I did it. I am very proud of myself. He lost all of his marbles, but I did not yell, or scream or even rais my voice. Plus today I had my babysitting kids from 11-9:15 tonight, so there 3 extra kids that I did not lose it on. I do not want five kids. 3 would be fine. 5 I would be gray before I truned 30. Anyways. It also started to snow today. HURRAY. I love to watch the snow, and today it was just a real slow steadt gentle snow. What is about snow that is so romantic. I don't mean the lovey dovey mushy kind of romantic. I don't know that has always been my discrption of snow. Romantic. I am going to go build snow people with my boys in the front yard tomorrow. There are good things about having kids, like you can make a snow angel at the age of 24 and no one looks at you like you are nuts. Which most of you know I am pretty nuts normaly. You can sing along to Elmo and not be embarassed, being an elephant or a lion comes natural. I guess that is why one of the reasons I love being a mom, I never left the theater behind me, my audiance just got smaller and easier to entertain. Oh well those of you who don't have kids will understand someday, those of you who do already understand. Anyways I guess thats it today. Heres hoping "Frosty" will turn out tomorrow.