Ow! Ow! Ow! Ow!

Nov 14, 2011 12:35

I am such a klutz.

I haven't yet folded the laundry, so this morning I got a clean pair of pants from the dryer and went through the laundry basket for a clean bra and underwear. As I turned (the basket is in the hall outside of my unkempt, messy office) my middle toe on my right foot caught on the throw rug* and I tripped/lost my balance**/fell. In so doing, I strained/twisted/sprained my left heel, sprained my middle toe on my right foot, sprained the little finger on my left hand and abandoned any dignity I had left.

So, I am now keeping track of what my heel is doing, will get an icepack later and bitch about it for a while.

*we put throw rugs over the carpet, with piddle pads under them, when Jessie was alive because, although housebroken, she piddled in the house. We have kept them there because it still saves the carpet.
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