I have seen it stated by several sources that you are “concerned because they (your Downs Syndrome child and your elderly mother) will have to stand in front of Obama's 'death panel' so his bureaucrats can decide, based on a subjective judgment of their 'level of productivity in society,' whether they are worthy of health care.” In the first place, 'end of life care' is sitting down and intelligently discussing with your doctor and family how you want you final days to be like. In a hospital, alone, hooked up to myriad machines that are doing the autonomous functions that your body is no longer capable of or in a place of your choosing, whether your home or a hospice center, as comfortable as you can be while every organ in your body shuts down, surrounded by those who love and care about you.
I will have no choice of either option simply because your screaming hordes have decided that because I am impoverished, ill and unproductive by your standards, I am not worthy of any kind of health care at all. There are many, many more like me out there whom your Death Squads have decided that because of life circumstances, sudden debilitating illness or accident, or even a progressive illness, we do not deserve health care or coverage.
Due to a series of life circumstances, I have been unemployed for the last five years. Most of that time was spent taking care of my mother after her back surgery and subsequent diagnosis of leukemia. Once she died, I tried to find employment but it seems that an older (I am 60), obese, crippled (I walk with a cane) woman with no children, no matter what her other qualifications are, is an undesirable element in any working environment. My husband is on disability due to crippling osteo-arthritis aggravated by bone cysts. He, at least, qualifies for some medical coverage through Medicare and his VA disability.
This past winter he and I both contracted a very aggressive lung infection which left me with a case of Congestive Heart Failure. What this means is that, without medical care, preferably by a cardiologist, and a pacemaker to regulate the arrhythmia that I have developed, I am looking at an my expected life span to only be three to five more years. With medical intervention I could possibly look forward to fifteen to twenty-five more years. Also, due to other factors my husband would probably not survive me by more than a couple of years.
One thing I am finding extremely irritating about being on the minus side of your 'deserving of health care' ledger is that my husband and I have discovered that we have a talent of writing stories for people to enjoy. I would like to leave that as a legacy, but it is looking more and more doubtful.
I have an on-line friend who posts some very thoughtful musings and she did one on
dog-piling on someone who disagrees with you by people who have no vested interest in the original discussion, but feel they must thoroughly stomp down someone to show support for their friend. What you, your cronies and others of your ilk are doing is dog-piling on the health care issue simply because out-screaming your opponent is far more productive than having a debate or a discussion. Honestly, I do not understand that mind-set. Is it fueled by fear or by ignorance or both?
The only way to overcome ignorance is to learn. If the material is not readily at hand, you must search it out. Every first-year journalism student learns this. Fear can be countered the same way. Once you learn what makes you afraid, you learn about it and are able to face it down.
So, Mrs. Palin, my Congressional Representative,
Walt Minnick, and Senator,
Mike Crapo, and all of your friends, what is it that makes you want to see people like me dead?
From past experience, I will not be sending a copy of this open letter to my congressional representatives. They do not read my concerns and I get back a form letter that tells me that they are not even considering my viewpoint simply because it does not march in lockstep with their programs.