Mar 04, 2006 20:06
I was in the city today with my friends Risto, Jaakko, Simo and my fiance. I was goin to get my ticket for consert of the japanese pop band BLOOD. The seller didnt have my tickets so she's goin to sent them in post to me next week. Then we went to eat chinese food. Lami and Nite came also. We had fun. I did pick up bad dish. My food wasn't that good. =( I usually love everything that is chinese, but this time... well... We had really fun, like I already told you. We did goof around. Then we went outside and we had a little "poke compation" everyone was poking eatchother. Then my fiance did crap me and he was trying to get me not to poke others... Then something just went blank in my mind and I started to park, like a real dog. There was this older lady walking near us and she really looked me like I was some maniac. And then there was a real dog nearby and it started to bark also. *lol* It was so imparasing... so so so... *blush*
I did already deside what I'm goin to wear monday in the consert. I have black shoes, that has a stringiething instead of buttons. Then I have United colours of benetons shirt. It's black and it shows my shoulders, long sleeves. And text "Extreme for love". I also desidet that Candy (panda) is coming with me. She is wearing her black and white socks, black short skirt and afternoons trench coat. She's so exited to go.
We did photoshoot of Neve for next top pullip compation (it's dolly model compation in pullip parade dolly forum). We take more photos tomorrow, now we find the look we want, no we just have to take that "perfect" photo. We is me and my fiance. He's helping me with photocraphing 'cause he's so much better than me.
I have been thinking... What if I read myself to pe a massager? That would be kind of interesting job. And I have skills for it. My energy is like that I have "power of healing" *nod* Still I'm not quite sure about this... not quite sure about anything now days. Really.
I have had troubles in my relationship. My fiance is too... well he wants to own me and I don't like it. Perhaps we are just too much different. He's not bad person it's not he's fault. I still don't think it's my fault either. We are trying. One more time, you know. We are going to counsel... or therapist or what ever. Someone who will help us with our relationship. I hope it helps. I really love my fiance, I don't want to leave him, but I can't go one like this. Not anymore. I cant lie to myself or to him.
Our new rat came home. I think I already told that? Anyway she is getting along with other girls and now she's starting to get along with me also. She's not afraid anymore and I can keep her in my lap. Umi is her name. It means sea (japanese). She is so lovely. I really really really love my little Umi. Now she's 2 months, few months still and then she's old enough to get bregnant. Then we have tiny tiny minirats. I'm so exited.
I think thats about it for now. I have told you everything.