Apr 07, 2007 19:03
So since the last time I've updated this a lot of things have changed in my life, enough that it's really time I start putting forth the effort to express myself the way I've never expressed myself, the way I NEED to express myself.
There's a lot of things that can be said about taking the time to just write out what's on your mind and explaining why it's there. Sometimes you'll find the answer to your problems, the strength you thought you lost and the way that was always right before you.
With this hope in mind I look back over the past few weeks and begin my own expressions.
I can't say for sure that I know what is going on in my life and why things just seem to go this way. Maybe it's a reminder that nothing in life is ever free. I mean working for my dad I've always had the ability to do whatever the hell I wanted to do. Which meant my websites usually got a few updates here and there, and more often then not I was online talking to people and completing tasks I normally didn't complete when I worked at McDonalds. However it wasn't why I was paid by them.
(Hell half the time I wasn't paid because there was no money in the company.)
Near the end I stopped being able to do a lot of the things I used to do. Graphics became annoying to think of, and writing became a chore. Both things I've loved since I started.
Everything came crashing to an end just recently, and I've found myself back at McDonalds a place where stress runs high and you work with kids, half of which have no work ethic whatso ever. They show up late, don't show up at all... and disrespect anyone in a position of authority.
There are good parts, I am on the way to Assistant Manager, I work with friends and don't spend my days talking to the wall rather than to people. I do get an active enviroment and my work is appreciated not ignored.
The bonuses somehow still don't outweigh the stress, the anger from the situations that arose and they don't make up for the feeling that this is my career and it's not just a job...
Someday I'll figure everything out... till then. -shrug-