Nov 26, 2011 16:37
It is that time of year again! You know. When people become uptight about stupid things. Already the flood of self righteous posting has begun "Put CHRIST back in Christmas" "Christians stole Solstice from the pagans and renamed it" "Don't force your faith on me call it a Holiday Tree" "It is a CHRISTmas tree for a reason" "We are a Christian nation so say Merry Christmas" "Separation of Church and State = Happy Holidays" and the rhetoric goes on. Why does this bother me? because all of these answers are narrow minded and mean spirited. Everyone is free to enjoy how they prefer so long as it harms noone else. i.e. "My Rights end where Yours begin." I do not celebrate Christ as Christmas, I do not celebrate Solstice, I do not quibble over the wording of the cards I send or receive, nor do I partake in the retail orgy. I celebrate my Family! The joy of the season for me is found in those I love.The words do not matter to me, only the good spirit with which they are intended.