(no subject)

Mar 06, 2017 12:34

-working on pick ups for both kp and es. going good so far. I've been bit by the creativity bug again.
-rereading the harry potter books. halfway through sorcerer's stone.
-laundry is somewhat done. not going to bother doing any today because half a load does not count to me. but I'll have a shitload halfway through this week, I know it.
-deleting entries out of littlmisspanda. The biggest pain in my ass in the entire world I swear. It's been a bitch and reading through the memories of C and i....makes me shudder. but I am doing it. Anyone know if there is a way to delete them all at once without deleting the journal? o.O
-swallowed my pride, apologized to someone and tried to get back in touch with her. It's been three years and I'm a different person now. Idk if we'll ever be close like we used to be, but I have put it behind me at least. So that makes two people I've wronged. growing up. funny thing that.
-just stubbed my toe on the coffee table. fml.
-work is shit as usual. no help, bitchy customers...I don't care anymore. nothing we can do about it so we are dealing with it.
-eczema is flaring up on my back today. may have dan put some lotion on it later. It's itchy as can be.
not a lot else to say. 365 coming shortly. in between pick up blinks.


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