Jul 31, 2006 23:25
It's just not right for a twelve year old to have one of the best singing voices I have ever heard from a guy. And no, not a boy-soprano, a REAL voice. How does he sing so WELL?!!
Anyway... what's doing, flist? I last updated... two weeks ago-ish? Three, if you don't count meaningless Sims 2 related posts. And I AM recovering from my addiction slightly, which is awfully good, as I finally went back to uni today.
I only had one class this morning, labs not running the first week, and though it was all REALLY basic, I know from the word go that I am going to ADORE this subject. So that is good. And at least one of the two assignments is going to be heaps of fun. And the textbook is pretty. And... yes, I like my natural hazards course ;) Tomorrow's gonna suck, though, with the six-hour-break-of-evil-doom. Sigh. That's uni for you. Twill be nice to see people again, as Leigh was a dirty bludger and didn't come to class this morning ;)
Anyway. So I've been working a fair bit these past few weeks, unfortunately. Too much time at woolies (30+ hours in one week. Yuck.), as well as spending a day in each of the past three weeks working for the uni in various roles. Being a student helper is so much fun! I got to play with radioactive stuff and run a fake-shop and explore the virtual reality lab and play with their equipment and watch funky chem 'magic' experiments and chat to lots of really interesting people, while getting paid at a much better rate than I usually do - $30 an hour, in one case! :O It was totally awesome, and as a consequence of one of my things, have decided to join this group called YSA, Young Scientists of Australia, which admittedly sounds a bit nerdy, but the people are cool, and we went bowling on saturday, which was fun.
Incidentally, on saturday I met a gal called Ilona from dear old Gosford, who is the grade above us but was apparantly good friends with Isaac. Small world, no?
Grease is coming along quite nicely, although the slowness of some of the cast to pick up the moves - and, believe me, I'm really slow myself, but these guys leave me at the HEAD OF THE PACK, which is unusual - continues to irritate a bit. Still, we had a sortof runthrough of act one tonight, so at least we're beginning to get SOMEWHERE. Considering we perform in october and all.
Saturday night was the big fundraiser thingo for it, which was a 50s rock & roll night. SO some of the people just used it as an excuse to eat and socialise, but our little fivesome really got into the fifties outfits and the old music and the learning to jive, and it was all heaps of fun. Especially with liberal amounts of smirnoff. And Swa & I got second place in the swing contest, which was fairly gratifying, as neither of us are the best dancers in the world. :D
And there's been various clubbing and barring nights, of course, as well as getting my RSA on thursday. Hurrah! Jules is beginning to get less certain on her idea to go to ireland, and is convincing me to consider moving out with her. Which might be doable, except she has no concept of how much I can afford, and is looking at Waverton. Which is pretty, but CLEARLY impossible for impoverished uni students. lol.
Um... I think that's all, for now. Yay uni. ;)