It's Friday Night

Nov 07, 2003 20:56

So I finally figured out how to make this thing work - extremely exciting. I also managed to teach my laptop to burn CDs, which was possibly even more exciting. It's been a good day on the technology front. Meanwhile, because I'm a dork with the attention span of a gnat, I think I'm gonna go get some blueberries and a blanket and watch Brink! on TV. Who loves Disney? I love Disney. I also had an interesting cpnversation with a friend lately, in which she insisted that Brink! is full of homoerotic innuendo. I think she lies. But Queer is Folk isn't on until Sunday, and I think I'm due for a dose of good, clean fun, so I'm off to find some pjs and watch Erik VOn Detten be a skater bum. I love Fridays.
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