Fandom Authors Who Have Gone Big Time

May 06, 2020 10:16

It occurs to me that a heck of a lot of Buffy Fanfic Writers have gone pro and that I am probably not aware of everyone who has done so. I looked around to see if a list exists anywhere and couldn't find one, so I decided to start one here. Especially since I'm at the point where I can finally go back and start collecting their available work to support fandom. If you know of any authors who started out in Buffy Fandom and that aren't included on what begins as a very short list, I'd appreciate if you could note yourself/them in the comments so I can add you/them.

At some point in the near future I intend to update each entry with LJ tag and links to their Amazon, B&N (for us nook users) , and Goodreads links. So far among the people I have purchased in the past I have (for purposes of this list "romance" includes both straight up romance and erotic romance)

  • eurydice72 - Vivien Dean and Jamie Craig (romance - het and M/M)
  • pepperlandgirl4- Pepper Espinoza (romance - het and M/M)
  • kallysten - Kallysten (romance - het not sure about M/M)
  • hollydb - Rosalie Stanton (romance - het not sure about M/M)
  • herself_nyc- NancyKay Shapiro (literature)
  • missmurchison- Mari Donne (romance - MM)
  • anaross - Alicia Rasley (romance - het)
  • dorians_kitten is Ana Blaze (romance - het)
  • casfic - Cas Stavert (historical fiction)
  • cornerofmadness - Jana Denardo (romance - MM)
  • mydeira - Emery Sanborne (romance - MMF)
  • sadbhyl - Philippa Grey-Gerou and India Harper (romance, historical and contemporary, het and MM)
  • denny_dc- Published name unknown as of right now
  • nandibble - Ansen Dibell (science fiction, fantasy and nonfiction)
  • juliefortune AKA rachelcaine - Rachel Caine and Roxanne Longstreet Conrad (urban fantasy, paranormal romance, suspense, nonfiction)
  • ozma914 - Mark R. Hunter (romantic comedy - het, nonfiction, YA Mystery)
  • janedavitt - Jane Davitt (romance - MM)
  • ffutures - Marcus L. Rowland (Horror, Science Fiction, RPGs)
  • paratti - Ellie Fleming (Anthology)
  • thepuddinhead - Terri Meeker
I know there HAS to be more. Help me ObiLive KenJournal. You're my only hope.

PS, Thanks to montuos I've fixed the Security problem and the post is now public. Feel free to share!
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