Nov 23, 2007 18:09
We're keeping track of this via Evite... Let me know if you'd like me to add you to the Evite/list of attendees!
Kaelan's Birthday / Boston Tea Party / Bill of Rights Day Party
Location: Our House, Northwood, NH
When: Saturday, December 15, 2:00PM
Why: A celebration of the anniversary of the Boston Tea Party, and Bill of Rights Day, and Kaelan's birthday, and just because we like parties.
When: Saturday, December 15th, starting in the afternoon and going until people leave; probably some will stay until Sunday morning.
Who: You, obviously. The invitation list includes liberty-lovers, random friends, Mensans, SCAdians, and anyone else we decide to invite.
What: BYOB. We will provide some refreshments and food, but would appreciate any additional snacks or such that folks want to bring. If you do plan to bring something, let us know, so we don't end up with half a dozen of the same thing.
In honor of the Boston Tea Party, a pool will be labeled Boston Harbor, and girls labeled tea will jump in to wrestle in jello (or other substance, if something better than jello is obtained). We are likely to have the New England champion in attendance, so it should be interesting. Participation is voluntary, of course. If you intend to participate, it would be a good idea to have a bikini, a towel, and a change of clothes. Storage for jewelry and other valuables will be provided, if necessary.
Other than that, there will be drinking, socializing, and general running-amok. If the weather is agreeable, there could be a bonfire. The wrestling pool will be set up in the sun porch, so anyone who doesn't want to watch will have plenty of places to go to avoid it.
There are plenty of toys and videos to keep young children occupied in the living room, and we would appreciate any babysitting volunteers. Well likely have the Muppet Show running on the TV. There will be birthday cake of some sort for Kaelan.
We hope to receive RSVP's so we know how many to plan for.
Thanks! Denise, Joe, and Kaelan