It's been a motherfuckin' long time since I've been here...

May 23, 2006 21:03

Overview of the last four months: Birthday- YAY, Drving test, failed, driving test, PASSED! Emo, depression, icecream and brownies in chem. Friend pesters me to go to prom, buy dress, randomly meet guy who becomes prom date.

Slow down to this week:
Friday we went to see The Da Vinci Code, which was alright, kinda boring, but I guess it was okay. Then Nikki and Jordan hung out at my place until 11 playing DDR
Saturday was prom and it was soo fucking amazing. Dinner in Cape Porpoise and then we waited an hour to get the photos from the dance, and then just lots of hanging out with friends. Met Sam, who is like, my new best friend. Because she's amazing. Even tho her dog scares me. Sunday was just a "bleh, kill me" day

Today sucked
My car had to be inspected and I couldn't drive home, because of this TINY crack in the windw, work was shit, Failed a history quiz, failed a math test, nearly failed a chem quiz, and the funny thing is that i dont' really give a shit. Felt sick all day, went to lay down but i couldn't sleep so I watched soem fucked up soap opera that bored me to tears, went to work, had to go buy grain for the horses, but i got to ride in front of the kids so that was cool.

But my life sucks, and I'm totally emo, but OMG, there's like, 15 days of school left, I can't wait, because I'm gonna go to California in like, a month, YAY, hello San Francisco!
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