(no subject)

Jun 08, 2005 05:08

I'm sort of back for now...

I stay active in the communities but I gave up posting here after I got paranoid that people from work or that I knew from school would be reading it. My sister had her online journal printed out by her "friend's" mother and turned into school.

People think that becuase you post something online, everyone has the right to read it. But just because you leave your journal on a table, opened or closed, it doesn't mean everyone has the right to read it. At least people should ask for permission.

I don't know it I gave this explanation before, but well that's why. I just think that there are few places and even fewer people that you can actually express yourself too. So it was completely offensive for someone we knew to invade my sisters privacy and betray her trust. My friends all understand that I may rant and rave on her as an outlet but I'm such a calm and passive and resonable person I'll act responsibly. And I might make mistakes or go to far(rarely) but they forgive me for it. So I can trust them too read this.

Other people are too judgmental. They see you make a mistake and it's a character flaw too them when in fact for you it's out of character. I'm sick of the shoulds and should nots. I'm tired of politics and policies that take away a right to make choices for ourselves.

I'm use to people thinking wierd by now. They see me as ackward becuase I don't understand the conventions of their speech. I'd rather just speak my mind even if no one understood what I was saying. I use to do that on this journal and on other's but some people seem to follow you. You'll never meet their standards and they'll take you down for it. But they don't get that everyone else has standards. But decent people apply them only to thier own conduct and they are flexible to change when they are wrong.

If you went to a Catholic school too, you might understand some of this. Of you grew up in a all white suburban township you knew some of these people. Overall it's a good place to live. There's not a lot of crime, just dishonesty. For example, my brother's car got totaled in our driveway, we had our st. francis statue stolen, and our cars and house egged and no one knows a thing, not even the 5 cops living on our street. I see alot of people in our community ever day, and there is a lot of good people in this area. Most are hardworking, honest, people who go home to thier families every night.

But still growing up I felt as if I never fit the mold and I was never encouraged to do the things I liked. I should have played sports and and got average grades. You couldn't be too smart. F's were ok but if you got A's you were the smart kid. Like the only one and you were suppose to slow down for everyone else. I guess it's like that most places. But our school was more oriented to the jock curve and jock attendance. No homework and easy grading for athletics. And the teachers were easily distracted from class, and set expectations low. Ok I shoudl stop whinning.

Anyway I think I'm going to have to express myself through art more. It's more vague and I'll get less criticism becuase no one will know what it means. Thanks to my friends who I could trust, that's why I stay on here.
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