Nov 28, 2005 21:58
I have so much free time now. This is my first day of the "off-season." I can feel the laziness creeping in... Seriously when I don't have soccer to keep me busy I start thinking that I don't need to do my homework now because I have so much time to do it, so I put it off and put it off and put it off. Oh man and then I do everything last minute. Before coming to school and playing I thought that I'd schedule all my hard classes in the spring when I have more time, but now I'm realizing that I have to schedule more classes in the fall because that's when I manage my time. You know?
Today was unusually warm out. Tomorrow it will be cold again. But today it was warm. I wore my new shirt (turns out Jenn has the same one) and my new sweatshirt (which Di complimented as looking collegiate) from GW and my hair was still straight. My mom trimmed it on Saturday and it is super-healthy! And I have a new coconut shampoo that I'm completely jazzed about.
Jazzed? Not sure where that one came from...
This morning at breakfast, Christine was saying something (about life - I forget what) and Q replied with, "Them's the breaks." That girl. Never know what she'll come up with next. So I asked what it meant and she said it means that's the way it is. So I said, "Well, I've got a lot of homework this week, but them's the breaks!" And Q said that you can't say it to yourself - you've got to say it to someone else. So go ahead and try it sometime. You may not succeed the first time, but them's the breaks.
Oh yeah! One more thing. Noel spoke and chapel today. It was actually a sermon I'd heard before (a few years ago when he gave it for the first time), but he has a way of capturing and holding my attention. I love the way that he communicates truth in new ways and shows that the gospel really is good news. And I like how he gives history and background for things. For instance, yesterday at church he was talking about King Asa and how he got rid of all the foreign gods. Then Noel told us some about what the foreign gods (Baal, Molech, Asherah) were all about. Check this: an asherah pole was a statue that looked like a penis. Crazy. Definitely makes the Bible come alive for ya - I mean, you read "Asherah pole" in the Bible and you're like - what the junk?! Now when you read it, you will know what it's talking about. And that's why I like my church so much.