I'm Funny Now

Sep 04, 2005 17:59

I slept for ten hours last night - very soundly, mind you - but somehow, today, I am still tired! I feel like I could take a nap.

My theory behind my exhaustion is the incredible strain I have been putting on my knee/body of late. My knee swelled up to pre-surgery size the other day - the most it's swollen in a long time! I hardly knew what to do with it. So now I am taking two days off it and it is SO HARD for me not to go out and ride my bike or do stair exercises. But I know that my knee really needs a break.

The sermon at chrch today was really neat - I appreciated it a lot. (Sidenote: Ron said that he talked to Noel, our pastor who spoke this morning, about speaking in chapel! I hope he does...) The series we're doing right now is called "Paint a Picture" and each week talks about one of Jesus' parables. This week was the parable about the dishonest worker and the point is that we, as Christians, are supposed to be shrewd with our wealth. I'm not explaining it well - this is why I don't usually try to explain stuff like this on lj. But if you're interested to know, just ask me sometime - I'll tell ya about it. Or maybe you actually understood it in the first place. If so, you are more competent than I could ever hope to be.

We had lunch with the Garner's today and it was SO GOOD. Yum. So much better than turkey sandwiches and EasyMac. And I had this thing going for black olives today. It was weird. I played "Bank" with the girls and Bryan in the basement, taught Shannon to knit, finished making one of Sarah's bracelet's, and played Bochee Ball in the backyard. It was a good day.

Now I'm off to crochet more of my blanket and watch some television. I need a little TLC. Haha. Play on words.
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