Reflections of a Friend: Part VI

Jul 30, 2010 00:37

Title: Reflections of a Friend
Series: All Our Yesterdays
Episode: 2 of 13
Spoilers: All TW series 1-3, and DW 1-4 (at minimum)
Summery: Ianto Jones is back. Or is he? No one has any idea how a very alive Ianto has come to the Hub, or if it really is Ianto. The team launches a desperate investigation to find out anything they can, but with Torchwood nothing can be that easy. A ship crashes and seems to be slowly killing everything around it. The death is spreading, and the team is trapped in the way.

Previous Part

Ianto looked up to see Martha in front of the cell door, “We’ve finished the tests.”

“And?” Ianto asked.

“And . . .” Martha opened the cell door grinning, “Welcome back to Torchwood.” That brought a small smile to Ianto’s face as he got up. “ You have traces of Arton energy that points to time travel." This caused Ianto to start, time travel really? "But nothing else to say you're not Ianto. Our theory is that either the Doctor and/or a future version of Jack got involved and, well." she shrugged gesturing to him. "You'll probably want to go grab shower yeah?" Ianto nodded. "Gwen already went out to get some of your clothes and stuff from storage. It should be here when you're through.”

They both stopped at a corner, Martha turned to smile at him, "It's really good to have you back," she said before hugging him. She then gave him one last smile and nod before continuing up into the main part of the Hub as Ianto took the other tunnel to the showers.

What he didn’t expect was for the showers to be empty. He’d thought the reason why Jack hadn’t been the one to come down was because he wanted to surprise him in the showers. He kept that hope through the shower. When he finished he found a suit set out for him.

He didn’t like this, but he put on the suit and entered the main part of the Hub. He looked up to Jack’s office and saw the door closed and blinds drawn, not a good sign.

Suddenly he was about blindsided by Gwen as she wrapped her arms around him in a bear hug. Holding tight for a few seconds before pulling back and beaming at him.

"Good to see you to," Ianto supplied.

"I knew it was you," she said confidently, " I knew it."

"Gwen give the man some air," Mickey called from his computer.

Ianto latched on to the distraction. It wasn't that Ianto wasn't happy to see her, Gwen was just a bit overwhelming sometimes. "How's Rhys?"

She lit up, "Oh he's great. He just . . ." Her eyes widened in shock, "I didn't tell him you were cleared. He'll want to know."

Gwen hugged him one more time before turning and pulling out her phone. Ianto let out a relieved sigh as she went to make the call. He was thankful that he'd been right about her talking to Rhys. He shot Mickey a grateful look for his help.

Now about Jack. Ianto looked up at the office. Jack was certainly in, but if he hadn't come down to see him . . .what did that mean? Ianto took a step toward the office before reconsidering. He cursed himself for being a coward but turned back to the main area.

At a loss for what to do he walked over to look over Mickey's shoulder, “Is there a case at the moment?”

Mickey glanced over his shoulder, “We just finished one. You were the closest thing to a case we had. Frankly, we’re all still just trying to find our feet here.”

Ianto frowned, great, nothing to keep his mind occupied. He walked over to a computer and tried to log in; maybe he could scan the net to find a case. “What?” the computer screen came up with an ‘Access Denied’ message.

Mickey glanced over, “Oh yeah,” he looked a bit edgy, “Your . . .uh . . . access to the server’s been revoked.” Ianto turned to the other man, “Jack’s orders,” he explained quickly, “I’m sure it’s just temporary.”

Suddenly it all fell into place, what he'd already kind of known. Jack still didn't trust him. He still thought he was a threat. Ianto sunk under those thoughts. But Jack trusted him enough to let him move around the Hub at least. Which meant he was regulated to food and coffee again. Any other stipulations on what he could or couldn't do would come up later. Jack didn't trust him, but he'd earned Jack's trust back once before and he could do it again.

Ianto picked himself up squaring his shoulders. Time to go to work, “Would you like a coffee,” he turned to go make a round for the team.

He went to the food prep area, impressed to see it expanded. He was less impressed when he saw the coffee maker U.N.I.T. had put in. Well, he’d worked with worse. He started the coffee brewing.

While it was going, he grabbed a note pad and pen, and began to write a list. Things that he’d need to get for the Hub. On the very top a new coffee maker.

He saw the coffee was ready, and reached for the mugs. They were all plain white. He quickly scrawled ‘mugs’ on the list. Then he finished off the coffees in the ways he thought each would like, put them on a tray and began his rounds.

Gwen and Martha both thanked him profusely, Johnson nodded to him, and Mickey said a simple “Thanks.” Then he stood at the door to the office, with the last coffee to deliver.

He took a deep breath and almost just pushed the door open as was his habit, but he stopped himself and knocked. “Come in,” he heard through the door.

Ianto entered and watched Jack’s face harden a bit as he saw who it was. The younger man tried to ignore it as he set the coffee down. Jack’s eyes flicked down to the mug then right back up, “I’m afraid it’s not up to my usual standard. I don’t have the right blend, and I had to use that so-called coffee maker.” Jack didn’t respond. “I made a list of some things that are needed in the Hub.” Nothing. So Ianto just set the list on the desk and left.

Jack watched as the younger man practically fled the office. His eyes fell to the list, which he took to read. It was so . . . Ianto. The younger man had always made lists of things. He looked down at the coffee, he hadn’t had any since Ianto’s death. It was very tempting.

What was he doing?

His instincts were yelling that this was Ianto. Only problem was they were also yelling it couldn’t be that easy, something was wrong. Neither Martha nor he could get a hold of the Doctor, and a future him would have known to leave a hint or something. He always trusted his instincts, but now they were telling him two different things. He did the only thing that made any sense to him right now. He did the safer thing. He wasn't going to lose anyone right now. He couldn't.

Jack took the coffee mug and pointedly moved it to the furthest corner of the desk. Then went back to work.

Down in the Hub Mickey picked up his mug and took a sip, then stopped. Took another sip, a grin on his face, “Wow this is fantastic!”

“Welcome to the wonders of Ianto’s coffee,” said Gwen from her desk where she was wrapped around her mug.

“I only had it for a couple days before, but I remember it,” agreed Martha.

The other woman got a teasing look on her face, “So Mickey, going to join King Ianto’s Coffee Club, for world peace and damn fine coffee?”

The other two laughed, “Sign me up,” answered Mickey.

“Me too,” agreed Martha.

“I don’t see what’s so impressive,” said Johnson from the other side of her monitors. The other three looked at her like she was crazy. “It’s drinkable, but I’ve had better. It’s honestly not even in the better group.”

Ianto came into the area. “Ianto, we’ve got two more members of the coffee club,” Gwen said.

Time to put his butler persona on, pretend like everything was fine. “We will rule the world one day,” Ianto said calmly as he picked up a few things.

“But your ability to know how people like their coffee seems to have failed you,” she added.

“I never fail to know how people want their coffee.”

“Well, apparently Johnson’s coffee is just ok.”

“Really? Is it now?” he continued to pick up.

Gwen grinned as it suddenly clicked. Ianto was not happy about that particular addition to the team either.

There was a beep from Mickey’s computer. “We’ve got a weevil sighting!” he called out from his desk.

In Jack’s office he heard the announcement. Good, just what he needed, something to do. He jumped up, grabbed his leather jacket, and put it on as he moved into the main area. “Mickey Mouse, Johnny, you’re with me! Time for your first weevil hunt!”

Ianto looked confused as he took in the captain’s attire, “Where’s your coat?”

“I’m wearing my jacket,” he answered unkindly stopping to get some weevil spray then continued moving.

Ianto straightened up, “I asked where your coat is, not that jacket.”

“I don’t wear it anymore,” and with that Jack followed the others out leaving Ianto to watch.

“He hasn’t worn it since he came back,” Gwen answered sadly still sitting at her desk and looking at Ianto with sympathy, “I don’t know if he even has it anymore.”

Ianto thought for a moment then a set look came across his face, “He still has it.” Gwen sat up a little straighter confusion crossing her face as Ianto turned and purposely went straight for Jack’s office.


“Fair warning, get used to weevils,” called Jack over his shoulder as Johnson and Mickey maneuvered the weevil into the Hub. “Hmm, maybe we should make them our mascot.”

“I think Myfwaney would have some issues with that,” Martha called in an amused tone.

“True, true,” he turned to ‘address’ the weevil as it went past him, “Sorry buddy.” Jack went up to his office, taking off his jacket he went to hang it up and froze. There was his coat hung where it had always been before.

“Dinner’s already in the conference room sir,” Ianto said entering.

“What is this?” Jack said pointing to the offending object.

“Your coat.”

“And why is it here?” Jack watched as Ianto pretended not to notice his anger.

The other man straightened some papers, “Because, if you continue to leave it in that bag it’ll be ruined.”

“That’s my business,” Jack’s voice had lowered into dangerous levels, “I don’t wear it anymore.”

Ianto finally looked up directly into Jack’s eyes, “I don’t ask that you wear it.” His voice was determined, “I ask that you not destroy it.” The man turned, his indifferent butler persona back in place, “Like I said dinner's here. Chinese tonight.”

The younger man walked out. Jack turned determined to rip the coat from the hanger but stopped. He growled and threw the leather jacket across the office taking out his desk lamp.


Dinner was a strained affair. Gwen pattered on and on trying to fill the uncomfortable silence, but it wasn't helping.  Jack let them know they could all head home after.

He found himself and Ianto alone in the Hub, yet not happy for it. How times change, Jack thought ruefully. He went up to his office to get some paperwork done, his lips quirked and he shook his head when he saw the leather jacket hung up next to his coat, the lamp put to rights and a mug of coffee on the desk.

Jack looked out over the Hub to see Ianto straightening a few things before heading to the room they had set up for him to sleep in. Was it possible that he really was just that lucky? That he’d been given Ianto back? He prayed the doctor would call and verify the time travel story, no matter how weak it seemed.

He sat down to work, looked at the mug for a moment. Then he took it and brought it to his lips taking a small sip tentatively. He smiled settling down to get to work, placing the mug right next to his papers.


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reflections of a friend, torchwood, ianto jones, fic, all our yesterdays, martha jones, gwen cooper, johnson, captain jack harkness, mickey smith

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