ranty mcranterson

Jun 07, 2010 21:46

Yay! People are participating in my hotness poll!

I'm not surprised at the men's results so far--the leader is old(er) and craggy(sort of) and needs a blonde wig and a pimp cane...

Really surprised that JDM has no votes. That's a great pic of him, though.

People may be wondering why no James Marsters--if I was doing this poll ten years ago, hands down he'd be on it, but he's getting a bit older, too. If I do the older men poll, he's definitely on there, and I want to find pics of them as they are NOW. I caved on JDM but I know that pic is several years old. Peter's is, as well, though he really has aged well.

On the gal's side, I swear I could not find a good picture of Katie! Either they were really big or she has hideous hair or way too much makeup. *sigh* I would have loved to slap up a pic of her as Ruby, but I didn't want to give in to the 'no in character rule' I made for myself.

Okay, enough babble. Go vote and thanks to those who have! Poll will wrap up sometime late Tuesday afternoon or later that night as I have choir practice.

As for my really bad day, actually, it was okay until about 3:10. I wasn't too busy. Boss was gone so I was watching Mad Men 1.13--I knew Peggy had a baby but I didn't know she didn't know she was pregnant! And then came in a defendant to complain, aka The Screaming Bitch, hereafter known as TSB.

TSB demanded to know exactly how much more she owed on her debt for which she was being garnished. As state law allows us to collect interest (in all cases but contract law, 12% per annum post judgment) this amount is impossible to figure out because who knows how long it'll take unless the person makes the exact same amount every pay period, which TSB didn't. I told her I could give her what she owed today, which was still a little over $500.00. She threw a fit, saying she'd paid over $2000.00 and the original debt was just over $2000.00 (which it was but that was THREE YEARS AGO) and until about five months ago when the garnishment kicked in, she'd paid a whopping $150.00 over two and a half years. I tried to explain that there was interest and she ranted that she'd discussed this with a retired judge and he told her she had the right to know exactly what amount she had to pay. I ignored that and told her that she'd have to discuss it with my boss and she continued to rant. She made me add up the interest (over $700.00) and when she realized she had paid the original judgment she said we had no right to charge interest on interest. I just ignored that one because I wasn't going to explain how we figure interest every time a payment is made and so the starting balance CHANGES. There was an older man with her and at one point when she was laying into me he told her very sternly that she had no right to be angry at me and I thanked him and said he was correct, she had no right to take it out on me. I raised my voice. ME. Those who know me, know I don't do that! But I was getting more and more upset and she was just nasty. She finally stormed out, still protesting, and yelling she'd get her own lawyer and the judge would defend her for free.

I was shaky for the next two hours. I don't handle confrontation at all well, and, in my nearly fifteen years of working for my boss, I can honestly say this was the worst I've ever dealt with, and that includes the client who was nuts enough to threaten to beat up my boss' former partner, and we actually called the police on because he also owned guns.

And, then as soon as TSB left, the phone started ringing off the hook for the next fifteen minutes so I really had no chance to calm down.

What was weird was that she never swore and she really didn't scream, but her attitude did, and that's what freaked me out. I couldn't calm her down, and I can always calm people down or they give up and leave when I tell them they'll have to talk to my boss. She just ignored me telling her that at least three times.

And, y'know, there are nutcases in the world. I was alone in a big empty warehouse with a ranting woman and a guy who, at first, I figured would be ranting too, and, who knows, they might have been armed! We have a fucking concealed carry law in this state, not that that really matters when an idiot has a gun. Only non-criminals actually get licensed, after all. Any insane criminal can stick a gun in a purse or down their pants.


*brain scrub*

In happier news we installed our minister yesterday. It wasn't a formal installation, since she's been our consulting minister for four years, but now she's our called minster. It was a nice ceremony and a good sermon on shared ministry. When I hugged her afterwards she again, for at least the fourth time, said how happy she was I was coming back to the team. I'm beginning to worry that the team fell apart without me! lolol On Saturday I had my last official finance committee meeting and this week my last official board meeting, though I said I'd come to July's meetings since the books and reports will be from this month under my watch. The Spiritual Celebration Team has its end of the year dinner next week to which I'm invited as a new member, and I'm so happy I'm returning to where my heart is. I'm not cut out for politics. I did say I would help the new treasurer as much as I could and even do the deposits for the whole year (though I'm not quite sure why me doing them is a big deal since I can train her). Unfortunately this may require changing our bylaws because pledge information is only accessible by the treasurer, asst. treasurer, and canvass chair (I think--no one had a copy of the bylaws). Our old bylaws said something like treasurer, canvass chair and up to two others--because our admin at the time entered deposits and we were just looking to get an asst. treasurer. But, we tightened them up, I'm sure. And they need to be amended by July 1 by the congregation which requires three weeks of notification and, well, that pretty much puts us into July. Would have been nice if someone had thought of this earlier. If people weren't so freaking uptight about anyone knowing what they give or don't give, this wouldn't be a problem. People who feel they need to keep up with the Joneses need to get over themselves.

Well, enough babble. No Royals tonight. They can't decide if they're going to be winners or losers so I'm looking forward to immersing myself in first the World Cup and then Le Tour. I love men in shorts. ;)

church, stupid work, stupid people

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