tv meme, hot out, last finance committee meeting over yay

Jun 05, 2010 12:18

Doing two of these today so I can start the 'who's hot' picture poll/meme on Monday. And these kind of go together.

Buffy the Vampire Slayer. This is pretty obvious to most of you. *g*

I started watching from day one, due to my life long interest in the supernatural and especially vampires. By early season two I was seeking out info on the internet. At that time Yahoo was divided into categories (I miss that, actually) and so, probably under Entertainment, Tv Shows etc., I discovered the BBETA archive, an archive of fanfic for Buffy for a rare, at that time, email listserve. I read voraciously. I had no clue other people wrote stories using fictional characters outside of me and some of my friends way back in high school. In December I got up the nerve to join the list, my first ever, and in January posted the first chapter of "Lily", which also took a lot of nerve.

There's no way for me to say 100% that without Buffy I never would have found this whole new world--most of this world didn't exist back then because, literally, there were a handful of private email lists and a few websites--but I might have missed out on a lot of you. Maybe I would have discovered online fandom in Buffy's later years or maybe through another fandom. Maybe Dar would still have dragged me onto General's Grrls. I dunno. I credit Buffy with changing my life and I'm not just saying that. Posting fanfic, interacting with people online, led me to get out of my routine of work-home-parents. I have friends in real life again. I'm incredibly active in my church. I go out and DO stuff.

Plus the show was damn good.

This should be obvious, too. Supernatural. Why? Angels, demons, heaven, hell, Lucifer--those are triggers for me. I LOVE that stuff and when the show went that direction it became more than just an enjoyable hour on tv. It took me till right before Season 5 began to become obsessed and that was due to CW showing two eps a Thursday night for the last six weeks or so leading up to the premiere and I rewatched them and got majorly hooked. I'm actually in the fandom now and not just dabbling with fic. Will it surpass my Buffy obsession? I don't think anything can. Times are so different now. When I started in Buffydom, there were only about a hundred writers, only a few lists, only a few websites. The two precursors to yahoogroups didn't even exist and LJ wasn't even a remote idea. I also came into it really near the beginning, unlike SPN. I'll never be "known" in SPN fandom and, believe me, I'm perfectly happy with that, but I'm having fun doing more than just writing the occasional fic.

Day 30 - Saddest character death


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