best steak i've made in years

May 09, 2010 20:17

Coffee Bean & Peppercorn Steak
Serves 2

1 garlic clove
1/4 tsp kosher salt, divided
1 Tbsp strong brewed coffee
1 Tbsp basalmic vinegar
fresh ground pepper
1 Tbsp whole coffee beans
1 tsp whole black peppercorns
1/2 tsp olive oil
8 oz sirloin steak about an inch thick, trimmed of fat

Preheat grill to high (or spray grill pan with Pam).

Crush garlic, sprinkle with 1/8 tsp salt and mash into a paste. Transfer to small bowl and whisk in coffee and vinegar. Season with pepper.

Crush coffee beans and peppercorns with meat pounder, mix together. Rub steaks with oil, sprinkle with rest of salt (I skipped) and coat with the coffee/peppercorn mixture, pressing it into the meat.

Grill until done.

Let meat rest for five minutes, slice, and top with the sauce.

OMG, so good! It took forever to cook for me, of course (I like mine on the far side of medium well), and after turning it once, I put the lid on my grill pan.

For those watching their weight it's 4 Weight Watchers points or 190 calories, 8 g. fat, 0 g. fiber. I've never been a huge fan of basalmic but the tangy sweetness mixed with the coffee made it just perfect with the meat.

diet, cooking

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