
Jan 15, 2010 08:58

It's very foggy and everything that's melted over the last couple of days has turned to ice so walking is a joy. We have little old lady coming in this morning and the drips from the overhang over the door have turned to a sheet of ice. I poured about a quart of salt on it.

fannish5's thingie: List 5 fannish things that are bringing you joy right now.

1. Birds of Prey is coming back with Gail Simone at the helm. Wheeeeeee!
2. The outpouring of fannish support for Haiti--there are hundreds of people offering fics and art and stuff over at help_haiti. Go bid!
3. The huge number of humorous fics about Sam/Gabriel and Dean/Castiel being produced over the last couple of months. It's weird. I love humor in this fandom where I'm usually the queen of angst and h/c and darkness.
4. All of the Bat books. I was really worried that I wouldn't like the changes, but I do. And Tim's still pretty much nuts, so that makes me happy. *g*
5. That HSU exists for when real life becomes too much of a drag or a bore or a hassle and I can escape to my beach with pirates and knights in tarnished armor and the occasional Orc incursion and fountain explosion and inexplicable fire (I think Darry's car is on fire right now--no clue why or how, probably something combustible was stuffed into it like an ewok).

I've signed up for the apocalypse big bang (which, since I've been writing post-apocalyptic worlds since I was thirteen this should be no surprise), offered four fics up to 5000 words for help_haiti, need to get my ass back on TEAOW&S, have lots of prompts I want to write, so why is Slade wanting me to write his redemption story for the comics big bang?! Shut up! Don't have time!


A couple of thank yous! spikesleman, I used your gift card to buy Supernatural novels! Thank you! And new friend dixid thank you so much for the lovely bead bracelet and earrings! Yes, they are KU colors!

And now to work. Three day weekend for the win in seven hours and forty minutes!

stupid weather, fannish5

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