Something bit me or I have one hive on my finger.
So, Thanksgiving wrap-up...
It started with the KU basketball game on Wednesday night. We had general admission seats which meant we had to stand for the whole game because there's student section spillover and they stand for the whole game because they're idiots.
There are these things called seats that you paid for.
My view was partially obstructed by two very tall men two rows down who, if they'd been sitting, I could have seen over with no problem. But, I didn't pay for the ticket, the nephew had a great time, the sister-in-law spent most of the game taking pictures and loading them to Facebook, the brother scolded his wife and I for talking politics during a timeout, we won big, the cute boy I like scored a couple threes, and the atmosphere at Allen Fieldhouse is hands down the best anywhere. I hadn't been to a game in twenty years when we had season tickets eighteen rows up behind the south basket but the atmosphere still rocks. And there's another NCAA championship banner hanging up since the last time I was there.
On Thursday I got up early and made the two pecan pies (which turned out scrumptious and perfectly cooked--not too runny), watched the parade (yay the Rockettes high kicked, Hair is on Broadway again?, why did they do away with the old swan sled for Santa?! and who the heck arre most of these singers?), then made the Waldorf salad, showered, dressed and headed to my parents'. Mom had called and asked me to stop and get orange juice--fine--except that as I pulled out of the driveway "Alice's Restaurant" started on the radio. I missed the middle by stopping at the grocery. I have it on CD but that's not the point. *sigh*
For some reason mom needed me to make the gravy. She was using the turkey recipe I used last year which used cider. I hate brown gravy but loved this. Apparently mom can't make non-lumpy gravy or something. Mine was perfect. Had a wonderful meal and then sat down to play Monopoly City with the brother, sister-in-law and nephew (the parents don't play games). It was supposed to take two hours. At 8:30, four and half hours into it, we decided to call it quits at 9:00. I had a piece of pecan pie but never did eat dinner. As mentioned, I won the game. I never beat my brother so this was of the good. It's a fun but complicated game. Brother and his wife got snippy with each other which was quite amusing--it was also nice to see that their son didn't care; if it had been me as a kid and my parents were sniping at each other, I'd have blamed myself, gone all moody and quiet (hell, I sitll do this--neuroticism for a hundred, Alex). Anyway, I shouldn't have had that glass of sparkling Rose; it was good but gave me indigestioin. All I ate was an English muffin around 11:30.
I did not hit any of the doorbuster Black Friday sales. No one I was buying for needed or wanted anything frrom any of those box stores and we no longer do the shopping in KC the day after Thanksgiving thing because usually we've done a lot of our shopping already, though this year we hadn't. Probablhy partly because we didn't go to Chicago in early November to shop for that side of the family. I ventured out to the banks around 8:45 since I hadn't gotten to them on Wednesday as I was rushed for time after work to get changed for the game. The banks are in front of the Super Target. It was a madhouse even then.
Mom came and got me and we went to their place to have lunch (I still wasn't hungry), say goodbye to the extended family, and plan the Christmas party menu which we did in record time. Then we went downtown which wasn't too crazy and most of the people were shopping before the KU basketball game. Mostly we were there for mom to point out stuff she wants so that I can drag dad down there later this week. I did buy sllippers for dad because I was in that store--as always I miss the little old man elevator operator and the pneumatic tubes in Weavers. Also introduced mom to House of Cha because she needed to sit and was thirsty. I had rose tea--it tasted, not surprisingly, like roses. *g* I'm not a tea drinker but I do like the florals a bit. After we were done I left mom in front of the Christmas brass band and went back for the car because she couldn't walk the block and a half back. *sigh*
KU won again.
On Saturday I put the tree up (didn't decorate it, mind you, but got it upstairs) and watched football. The less said about KU football, the better; thank god this disasterous season is over; yay for basketball! I wrote a silly Cas, Dean and Sam hit the doorbuster sales on Black Friday in Lawrence fic, and read the book for the next AU history bookclub meeting this Wednesday. I probably watched some SPN in there somewhere, too.
Dad gave the service on Sunday--foxhole religion, debunking the idiom that there are 'no atheists in foxholes' and the choir sang 'Praise the Lord and Pass the Ammunition', then I did treasurer stuff, went home, read some, then went to see 2012. I've mentioned my love of apocalypses, right? Very enjoyable movie, great special effects, dastardly government conspiracies, wryly funny John Cusack etc. Overall, very enjoyable if you like that genre. After the movie, I watched TAR and the cartoons and planned to decorate the tree. Instead I napped on the couch for four hours, then watched 'The Monster at the End of the Book'.
Today, work. *sigh* We only had one message on the machine which was very weird, but a pile of mail, and I had all the normal Friday stuff to do, plus I paced myself and read the SPN fanfic I missed over the long weekend.
Tomorrow night I have to go to church and do the audit book which I've been putting off for months. It's really stupid that I'm pulling together all the stuff done by the previous treasurer since I can't answer any questions the audit team may have. But that's how it's always been done and the previous treasurer had to do the same thing for the one before her. Stupid tradition. Must remember to pack extra food for dinner.
Wednesday night is bookclub and maybe I'll get the tree decorated while I watch the KU replay at 10:30. Also I have my pedicure and I've managed to get off most of the hard calloused dead purple skin on my baby toe that was the remnants of the blister that never broke, just dried up and turned into this shell. Basically I cut it off and peeled it off. Very gross.
And on Thursday night dad and I hit downtown to shop, probably the earliest he's ever gone but this is a short Christmas period and next week is taken up with preparing for the party, baking and cooking and decorating mom's house, and then I need to be wrapping and writing cards etc. in the last ten days. We were going to go Saturday but I probably have Finance Committee meeting and there's also the holiday parade which makes parking horrendous. Stores are all open late on Thursdays plus I'll get a free dinner.
So, that's my thrilling life. Go sign up for a holilday card a couple entries back!
And now I'm going to put this behind a cut...