liliaeth asked for Dean. This is truly one of the oddest things I've ever written.
The question comes every day and for thirty years he says no until he simply can't anymore.
The question comes with images of everyone he loves dying for his refusal and finally he knows the risk is too great.
Alistair takes him off the rack.
(stop the pain)
Michael consumes him.
(don't hurt them)
His eyes go black.
(demon darkness death)
His eyes go empty.
(lost lonely living death)
They use his love for his brother to torture him.
(is he worth it)
They use his love for his brother to take him.
(is it too late)
With every cut from the blade in his hand Alistair praises him.
(such a good boy)
Michael wields his sword with callous indifference and there is no reward.
(obey the will of God)
Alistair turns his body into a sybarite thing existing on both pleasure and pain and all-consuming need.
(fucking always fucking hard and fast and so powerful)
Michael turns his body into a temple.
(no food no water no sex no passion no love)
Empty, even when he's filled, he's empty.
(hard cock in his ass)
Pushed down and aside and so small, his protests ignored.
(nothing touches him)
He is happy in Hell.
He is scared on Earth.
Salvation comes in Hell.
(God damn Angel)
Rescue comes on Earth.
Yes, he finally says to the Angel, wanting rescue even while his body writhes in pleasure in the Pit. Needing to be whole again, though he knows he never will be. Wanting to breathe. Wanting to love.
(yes God yes)
Yes, he finally says to Cas as he forces himself back into control long enough to kiss him with nothing like brotherly love.
(yes God yes)
And together they pull him from Hell.
And together they force out Michael.