Last night my dvr moved ahead far enough in dates that I could program in the new Supernatural.
That pretty much made my week.
I've been devouring SPN fic the last couple days--mostly Castiel because I love him almost as much as I love John--and can't wait to see where Kripke takes Lucifer. There have already been several parallels concerning the angels and God with Vertigo comics and if Lucifer is anything like Vertigo Lucifer I may just weep with joy.
There may be more of my own Lucifer/Castiel fic. There may also be more Buffy/Angelus in hell fic because both those Lucifers are pretty much Vertigo ones and I love writing him.
But I really need to write my polyamory fic since 10000 words are due in less than three weeks.
So I probably should stop reading angel smut.
Also, I'm the
crack_van reccer for Buffy and Angel this month and need to get on that, delivering up recs to lots of old, old fics. :)
It's cool and rainy today. It's going to be cool and rainy for the next week. I just don't get this weather. It's September 2. It's supposed to be lows in the 70s not highs! I keep waiting for the other shoe to drop and suddenly it'll be a week over a 100 in like October, but I fear the other shoe is that we're doomed (according to the Farmer's Almanac) to have a really bitterly cold winter. I can handle the cold as long as it's not accompanied by snow and ice, which apparently we're not in for more than normal. I've also saved so much money on electricity since the AC is barely running (and hasn't now for three days, set at 75) I can afford to spend more on gas to heat the house.
Still, I'm not looking forward to the cold. I hope my coat will still fit come December and I may have to buy more panty hose. I hate panty hose.
Three days till college football (actually, there are games tomorrow night but if you think I'm giving up watching the final two SPN eps from last year you're nuts)!
Also, three day weekend for the win, despite having a stupid finance committee meeting on Saturday morning which I successfully got moved earlier to 9:00 from 10:00 so I miss none of said college football (which starts at 11:00). And I have to mow, unless it's still raining.
First choir practice tonight. I'm going to give singing Tenor a try as we have only one male Tenor and my mom sings it and we can rehearse together. I'll be singing at least one solo this Fall, too, though I'm not sure what to sing. It's with Lisa accompanying, my preferred pianist.
Oh, crap, gotta remember that I have to catsit this weekend, too, so not a completely lazy writing weekend--though it's just running across town twice a day to feed the cats. Note to self: do not forget to go meet with cat owner on Friday after work to get key.
Okay, back to reading fic work.