
Aug 04, 2009 15:35

Well, I think I figured out why non-fat Yoplait yogurt has four points on Weight Watchers and Blue Bunny (for example, as they don't list Dannon and they certainly don't list Iowa's Anderson Erickson) non-fat yogurt has one or two points.

Yoplait has high fructose corn syrup!! It cunningly says "aspertame and other sweetners" on the label and then you look at the ingredients and it's like the second one! ACK!

AE lists only active yogurt cultures and splenda.

There are a few Yoplaits I really like, but no thanks. If it was just the points, I'd splurge, but I truly believe that our nation is fat partly due to high fructose corn syrup in just about every processed food.

Stomach is still ooky--probably shouldn't have eaten the yummy beans and rice yesterday; it wasn't pretty--but since my dad and boss are also kind of "off" feeling, I'm thinking it's more than just my normal temperamental bowels (TMI, sorry!) and some kind of minor stomach bug. I'm still eating, but, hey the food can't be sticking to me at least! I felt really crappy this morning and if my boss hadn't needed to send off his seminar papers today (which weren't done, of course), I'd have stayed home, but then by 9:30 or so I was feeling better and I would have felt guilty.

I'm really tired, though, because not only was I up a couple times in the night, a stupid thunderstorm woke me and then knocked out the power just enough to make my alarm blink and I was too lazy to reset it so I basically dozed from 4:30-6:30. Out of all that, we got about .14 inches of rain and less where I live so it was basically pointless to storm for three hours.

I watched "Knowing" last night. Interesting movie, kind of scary in places, and big, big twistiness at the end! I recommend it.

Well, back to the grind...for forty five more minutes.

movie babble, diet, stupid weather

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