4 Spike TEAOW&S Drabbles

Mar 01, 2009 12:38

Title: The Bitter Suite of Lies
Author: Laure
Fandom: BtVS
Pairing: Spike/Willow
Rating: PG13
Content: angst
Word Count: 200
Summary: Set at the end of the Bittersuite
Disclaimer: Don't own BtVS, AtS, anything like that, Joss the evil God and Fox do.
Distribution: My site eventually; all others, please ask.
A/N: Written for 30_quills for prompt #15, "There is more to love than only bitterness and lies"

Spike walked away from the motel room, leaving his heart behind. Hands clenched in his pockets, shoulders hunched, head down, he walked for miles, his mind trying to sort out the confusion of thoughts and emotions that echoed through him.

He loved her. He knew he loved her.

She'd never told him she loved him back.

So, he'd been patient, believing she'd eventually return his feelings.

Had it all been lies?

Was that all that was truly between them? His lies about Drusilla, about killing. Her lies about her feelings. Lies built upon lies could never make truth.

Acid ate at his gut as the look on her face of such desolation and loss--that last look she'd given him--burned into his mind.

There wasn't even hatred there anymore.

There was nothing.

As he walked, his dead heart began to fill with something other than pain.

It was bitter. Sweetly bitter.

His love for her was dying a slow, painful death, and he didn't know how to stop it. Didn't know how to fix it.

A part of him began to whisper that he shouldn't even try.

Love was all lies, after all. His sire had taught him that.


Title: Farewell
Author: Laure
Fandom: BtVS
Pairing: Spike/Willow
Rating: PG13
Content: angst
Word Count: 275
Summary: Set before the funeral in "Endings & Beginnings"
Disclaimer: Don't own BtVS, AtS, anything like that, Joss the evil God and Fox do.
Distribution: My site eventually; all others, please ask.
A/N: Written for 30_quills for prompt #38, "There is nothing left to say but goodbye"

"When I die..."

"Many, many decades from now," Spike interrupted, holding Willow tighter against his side and meeting her serious eyes.

"Yes, okay, but you'll...be okay, right?"

Slowly he nodded. "I'll have the kids and hopefully grandkids and maybe even great-grandkids, Dru and Angel and Nick and everyone to keep me going, keep me alive. I'll miss you forever," he added softly, pain in his voice, "But I won't stop living." A smile crossed his lips. "You'd come back and kick my ass."

"Darn tootin'." Leaning up, she kissed him with all the love and passion inside her.


"You weren't supposed be leave me first," Willow murmured as she stood before the mantel, staring at the bowl that held her husband's remains. "You were supposed to always be there for our kids and their kids and everyone who followed." Her hands rested on the mound of her stomach. "Now she'll never know you and...and...she'll never know me." Always close to the surface, the tears began to fall again. "And the worst thing is we won't be together. How could you leave me?"

Bending her head, she watched the tears fall on their child beneath her trembling hands. "How can I say goodbye to you? It means it's all too real and I can't...I can't..."

Arms wrapped around her from behind and Willow turned to cry on her best friend's shoulder. "Then don't," Buffy whispered. "Don't say goodbye. Don't give up on never seeing him again. We don't really know what waits for any of us."

"I wish I believed that."

Stroking her hands down Willow's back, Buffy wished she did, too.


Title: Healing Time
Author: Laure
Fandom: BtVS
Pairing: Spike/Drusilla
Rating: PG13
Content: angst
Word Count: 117
Summary: Set a few months after Angel left the family after getting his soul back, before China.
Disclaimer: Don't own BtVS, AtS, anything like that, Joss the evil God and Fox do.
Distribution: My site eventually; all others, please ask.
A/N: Written for 30_quills for prompt #35, "Every broken heart can be mended"

Spike persevered. He pampered. He cajoled. He coddled. He loved.

Angel's resouling and departure had nearly destroyed Drusilla. Some weeks she couldn't even get out of bed and he had to force her to eat, but Spike was determined to help her heal. He loved her completely, madly, even divinely.

Some day she'd love him like that as well and forget her daddy.

He just had to wait, and help her, and hold her. He'd be whatever she needed him to be. Lover, friend, confidante, confessor. He'd even hurt her if she begged him.

Time would heal her. It was all she really needed.

And perhaps that pretty blue frock and the pretty blonde girl wearing it.


Title: It All Comes Back Around
Author: Laure
Fandom: BtVS
Pairing: Spike/Angel(us)
Rating: NC17
Content: angst, sex
Word Count: 143
Summary: Set after Angel reclaimed Spike but before "Hot Summer Nights".
Disclaimer: Don't own BtVS, AtS, anything like that, Joss the evil God and Fox do.
Distribution: My site eventually; all others, please ask.
A/N: Written for 30_quills for prompt #3, "The past shapes the future"

Trying not to wince as Angel skipped most of the preparation and plowed his cock into him, Spike rested his chin on the back of his folded hands and closed his eyes. Pain and pleasure flowed through him with each hard thrust, driving his own cock into the bedding, and he accepted it all.

There had been times two hundred years before when his sire had treated him roughly. Those early days had been hard and painful. But, eventually, caring had entered into the act and the relationship. Friendship and something deeper had grown between them.

That bond between them, stretched thin from the hundred years apart, would strengthen. His sire's mad demon could be tempered.

Their relationship would return to what it had been.

Spike had to believe that.

Every time Angel called him 'Will' helped that fragile belief strengthen as well.


teaow&s, table fanfic

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