Feb 07, 2009 14:03
Somehow I get volunteered for stuff.
Last year someone (and I think it's my mom) said, 'oh, sure, Lara can run the Library Committee' at church.
And how the hell I became the Archivist I have no clue.
Anyway, due to having a new building and the old library space becoming the minister's office, the library has moved to the basement of the old building. I've been majorly slackery on the whole library reorganization etc. because, again, didn't volunteer! But I spent the morning moving books to the newly painted white shelves (wow, they show up!) and finding at least fifty books without any dewey numbers that I'll need to look up online and start marking. At least it's a start. I always avoid the church work days but part of it was specifically set out to work on the library so I figured I had to show. I had one other committee member show as well as a couple people on the house and building use committees plus my mom help so we got a lot done in three hours.
Still, not my choice of how to spend a Saturday morning especially since it's beautiful out and like 70 degrees. Two days in a row and no coat! I was the youngest person working by at least twenty years. Of course, working parents with kids often only have Saturdays to do stuff so I understand.
We did find some amusing things and some totally useless things as everything from the old library was just toted downstairs whether it was library stuff or not, and I brought home a Van Morrison album because, really, can't see the need for that at a church. lolol Dunno if it'll play and I'm pretty sure we don't actually have a turntable at church anyway. *g*
Books were very dusty which has led to stuffiness, but, oh well, I've known for years I was allergic to books and dust but I still wanted to be a librarian. I'm Giles in that 'want to smell and feel the books' way.
Oh, and I found this wonderful little book on spelling for children with beautiful illustrations printed in 1873. That is NOT going to be allowed to be checked out! It was written for Sunday Schools which is why we have it, I suppose. There were a couple of other old books in not so great condition that also aren't being allowed out. I'm thinking of some glass display cases or something for them. I just love antiquarian books.
Mom came over afterwards and we practiced a couple choir numbers. One I'm singing tenor on with her because it's in the treble cleft. I discovered that if I don't know the note, I can't sing the part and most tenor parts are written in bass cleft which I don't read. It's some disconnect in my brain because it's not like I have perfect pitch or anything.
The choir is slowly growing though we need more men (why mom is singing tenor). My friend Jane came back after a two year absence. Yay! She was at service last week too, first time in a long time. Her husband is teaching the "Our Whole Lives" sexuality course on Sunday mornings so that may be why they've become more involved again and Jane just got her doctorate last Fall and I'm sure that kept her busy. Anyway, she's fun to be around so hopefully she'll stick.
Our Wednesday night small group Evensong is going nicely with about eight participants. Lots of meditation, readings, and sharing of religious and spiritual topics. I told mom today (she's in charge of Wed. Night programming) that we need something religious or spiritual every session. It's a nice grounding/relaxation time and there are some of us who are trying to find our way still. It's a great way to get to know each other better, too. Though next Fall I'm taking dad's class on Alternative History novels.
Our annual pledge dinner is next month and the choir is singing funny pledge songs to the tunes of "Camelot" and "There Is Nothing Like A Dame". There was also mention of "Big Spender" which I know very well and I could see me and Aileen singing that. She's doing "Fever" tomorrow for our annual "love" service. I'm singing "The Rose" and finally heard from my pianist--I was getting a bit worried as I emailed her Wednesday about rehearsal time--and since I know the song well and she's played it for years, we figured we could just run through it a couple times tomorrow morning. I have Bette's MP3 on my computer and I'm singing it just like her so I can practice tonight.
So, life seems to be revolving more and more around church. Eight years ago I didn't even attend. Huh.
Oh, and also basketball. KU is on in thirty so I'm outtie!
(and maybe I should take down my Christmas tree...)