(no subject)

Sep 25, 2008 21:41

In my continuing effort not to think about my cousin (no news is good news, I suppose, and all good thoughts are majorly appreciated) I watched Ugly Betty and Supernatural (while taping a hell of a lot of other things, why is everything on Thursday night?!). UB was cute etc.


Fallen angels are one of my major bullet proof kinks, all thanks to Neil Gaiman and his depiction of Lucifer. Battles between heaven and hell rank up there, too, thanks to Swamp Thing (was Alan Moore still writing those issues, I know he created Constantine and those issues all involved him?) Angels as soldiers of God and not nice guys...guhhhhhhhhh! I see this as a coming showdown between Sam and Dean, dark and light, legions of hell v. legions of heaven.

And, damn, this is wonderful. Never expected the show would turn this way. Despite there being the huge mythology about demons, they never touched on heaven/angels/god, and there never seemed to be a supernatural side for good. With Sam using his powers again--powers that have to be demonic in nature--and possibly banging Ruby--which really doesn't bother me, because you know I love some evil in my men--this could build to something wonderful.

Come May, when all good apocalypses happen, y'know. ;)

Now if Papa Winchester would just come back to life, it would be perfect...


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