bad to worse again

Sep 25, 2008 09:44

I just spoke to my brother and found out my favorite cousin, Sara, suffered a brain aneurism and then a stroke during surgery. She's in intensive care but the prognosis isn't good. I've known her my whole life--she being only three years older than me and the closest in age--and we've always been close.

In a convoluted phone tree mess, my sister-in-law was the only person that could be reached and she called my parents. My brother got a hold of me on my work phone, and I finally talked to my parents. My brother can't get a hold of either of us on our cell phones--he keeps getting a message from Verizon saying the numbers are disconnected, except we're no longer with Verizon, and since I called my parents' cell from mine with no problem, I'm guessing the problem is on his end. But that does make it a problem when cells are the only access point.

Apparently I'm trying to distract myself with anger at cell phones...

Those of you who have been around here for a while may remember that Sara lost her only son in a freak fall off a cliff a couple of years ago. She and her husband finally had gotten their lives back on track and now this happened.

Last year we were back there (Indiana) for my second cousin's wedding and I had hoped that the next visit would be for another wedding and not something bad as we'd gone back for too many funerals in recent years. I'm trying to be hopeful but I'm a born pessamist.

I don't pray, don't really believe in any kind of tangible god, but good thoughts are appreciated, and prayers if you do believe. I do believe in the power of positive thought so I'm trying.

And trying not to cry. I just want to drop everything and drive to Indiana. I'm sure my parents, stuck in boondocks Scotland, are handling it even worse. We're not a terribly close family except to this one branch, the kids and widow of my dad's next oldest brother, and I know my aunt must be a basket case. Her son will take charge, though--flying in from Houston where he and his family rode out the hurricane--and that I can say that is a testament to the power of growing up, because he was a hellion and a pain in the ass as a teenager tormenting his youngest sister and me when we were kids.

I really, really hope he has a chance to tease Sara again.

And now I really am crying.


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