(no subject)

Sep 07, 2008 22:05

Alphabet Meme: thomasina75 gave me P

1. Comment on this post and ask for a letter.
2. I will give you one.
3. Think of 5 fictional characters whose names begin with that letter, and post their names and your comments on these characters in your LJ.

This was weirdly harder than it should be. Plus, I spent a good hour thinking I had T.


Pendergast: No problems coming up with this one! Odd, cool, brilliant, twisted, cool, weird, icy, determined, did I mention cool? Pretty much the star these days in what I refer to as the Relic series by Childe and Preston (and that they're skipping this year and no book until next is a travesty!) though he was cut out of the movie. Although, who could have played him?

Stephanie Plum: I love her. Gutsy and pathetic and kinda Mary Sue at times, but who isn't, and she's got two hot guys after her and still eats too much, like we all do, and she's hilarious. Star of her own book series by Janet Evanovich.

Wesley Wyndham-Price: This took me forever. I suck, especially since I'm watching four eps of Angel Season 2 a night right now. Wesley annoyed the hell out of me until he got his throat slit, Angel tried to kill him, he lost all his friends, he got scruffy, he lost the glasses, he started banging Lilah....Yeah, that pretty much did it for me. Season 4 Wesley rocked my socks. Not as thrilled with lovesick over Fred Wesley in Season 5 but I blame that on the mindwipe. I blame a lot on the mindwipe. If he could only have remembered his deep dark love for Lilah...

Titus Pullo: From Rome, not my usual type at all. I go for the slender slightly disturbed bad guys, not the big burly ruffians! But, he was gorgeous, and had an inner darkness to go along with his humor. And he banged Cleopatra!

Alfred Pennyworth: Notice how I chose last names. A lot of people are doing mixes and even using codenames but I had to be a purist which is why it took me hours yesterday while watching football to come up with five. Alfred is, of course, Bruce Wayne's gentleman's gentleman, but he's so much more. God, this last issue of Nightwing nearly killed me with him so worried about Dick while snarking at him to hide the fear. He's the glue that holds the Bat family together even moreso than the need for Batman to have a Robin.

In other news, I watched football all yesterday--some close games, a couple of upsets, and KU's passing game rocks. We shut out Louisiana Tech in the rain. Just lovely. Now if we could only run...

I've started reading Twlight. I doubt I'll read the others which are supposed to be progressively worse in the Mary Sueism but I wanted to know what the fuss was about before the movie came out. I finished the fourth book in John Ringo's "After the Fall" fantasy/scifi series and discovered the ultimate Marty Sue character. Still, a fun series and I hope he writes more because there are a lot of unanswered questions. It's set in the 4000s sometime when the world is a Utopia run by the internet expanded into an AI called Mother. Nanites heal wounds, people can change into fantastic creatures or beings composed completely of nanites, everyone can teleport, food is created by machines, no one needs to work or learn anything, just play. Until the nominal ruling council that controls the protocals of what Mother can and can't do (like she won't allow explosions so no guns unless all 13 vote to change that protocal) goes to war over dwindling population (because babies are grown in tubes and people live to 400 easily and no one needs to work so they're not having kids) and the concept of Changed (people becoming mermaids, dragons, etc.) and all the power is directed to protecting and attacking the 12 (with one abstention) council members so suddenly the worlds plummetted into medieval times. No power means no food. There are few cities because everyone can teleport so they live in isolated wilderness. No farms because food is just created. Suddenly all transportation is gone, people are stuck in the forms they're currently in, and the only havens are the scattered settlements of Ren Faire types--gamers, recreationists, and those who are bored and want to try their hand at shoeing horses and growing crops. It's a fun series with the bad guys (those oddly enough against Changed) changing people into Orcs as their warriors and the good guys training like Roman Legions, dragons being used like bombers, undersea battles with merfolk and orcas, and, of course suddenly women are having periods and getting pregnant. But, the books focus more and more on the perfect Paladin, the man every man wants to be and the man every woman wants and that's annoying at times, though he is a Dom in the sexual Dom sense of the word which is one of my kinks. Me, I like Bast the wood elf, and the evil AI chaos rabbit. *g*

We had our annual water ingathering service at Church and paraded out of the old buiding singing to drums and into the new. I hadn't been in the new building at all--I think subconciously I wanted to wait until it was done. It's lovely. A lot lighter than I thought it would be, and we needed the space. It was a combined program/service and we probably had about a hundred people attend which overflowed the old building. A new couple joined as members today--a Lesbian couple that came to last week's service that I did on being a Welcoming Congregation. They'd come once before but hadn't returned till last week. They apparently found what they were looking for, I guess at least partly through my service, which makes me very happy. :)

Then I watched the Chiefs lose. What a surprise.

Then I napped.

Then I watched SGA and Primeval and now I'm going to watch more Angels. He just boinked Darla. I really wish they hadn't cut out the slap because that scene's cut is jarringly obvious, plus, you know me, I like that in fiction. I'd forgotten that the ep ended with the teaser of Angel waking up and gasping a la "Innocence". Boy I loved him all dark and broody, though.

Maybe I'll fic some tomorrow. I just haven't been motivated.

Oh, I don't have a sinus infection. It moved into my throat by Friday morning and the fever went away at that time, too (last time I took it was Thursday night and it was 100). I feel my usual congested from allergy self now. Must have been one of my weird barely there colds.

And I was able to go out to dinner on Friday for my parents' 46th wedding anniversary, my and dad's early birthdays. I had a nut encrusted baked goat cheese with swiss chard starter, and then a simple filet cooked to perfection with a side of sweet crab risotto. The steak was great--for once, only a jus and no sauce, but I was there for the risotto which I could have lived on. Then I had a glass of ice wine which is like drinking sugar, and a pumpkin cheesecake. They wrote Happy Birthday in chocolate around my dessert and Happy Anniversary around mom's. :)

So, good, busy weekend all around. Tomorrow night I have to go learn how to pay my parent's bills, set their dvr if something goes wrong and prove to my mom that even with dad's laptop gone she'll have modem access on her computer (don't even get me started on how when I said I would unhook my modem and plug back in my tv upstairs so she could set the vcr if necessary, she wondered if I'd be able to have a modem on my laptop in England without the modem working at home....*sigh*).

Parents, gotta love 'em.

Oh, and nephew boy is majorly into Star Wars (just like his daddy) and turned six today.

football blather, church, tv

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