(no subject)

Dec 21, 2007 23:35

Home from "Christmas Eve dinner" at my parents'. It was very nice, as always. New people--young new professor of modern American history and her mother and boyfriend--and charming British professor with his delightful mother (his wife, unfortunately, had to go west to stay with her ill mother). Yummy food, best Stilton ever, ice wine, peppermint icecream. Lots of good conversation. Discovered at the end of the evening that the boyfriend (also a historian, as these days like seems to gravitate to like) is a Battlestar fan. Hope he's at the party Sunday so we can chat.

Got home and rinsed the only two pairs of hose I own and am doing dark load of laundry so I have clothes to wear tomorrow in the freezing rain/snow/crap. I'll go watch the Batman cartoons from today while I wait for the load to wash so I can throw it in the dryer. Otherwise I'd be heading to bed.

But, first a meme stolen from pervyficgirl

1. Well, finding a new fandom, defintely up there, though it was technically in 2006. Wow, it's been a year?!

2. The quality of the fanfic. Of course there are some weak, poorly written fics out there, but overall the quality is high, the stories enjoyable, and the characters in character.

3. That I haven't found any major kerfluffles; that the slash/het idiocy doesn't seem to exist here; that people are generally nice to each other!

4. The great friends I've made.

5. Rediscovering that love of reading tons of fic every day.

meme, christmas

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