Okay, wrote this yesterday at work, forgot to post, am lame

Dec 15, 2007 18:46

Travelogue, cut to prevent eyes glazing over in boredom

The drive to the airport was fine--a bit of freezing mist along the way but no problems. The plane had to be de-iced, which took thirty minutes, and then there was a thirty minute delay into Dallas, but I had given myself two hours so had time to find my gate. Naturally by the time I arrived there my flight was off the board, not listed at the gate, nothing, so PANIC.

I still have no clue why it was gone but it did leave from that gate on time.

No problems with the luggage or the shuttle to the Flamingo. My room was nice--king size bed, love seat. Sure, I love staying some place luxurious, but all I really need is a bed, bath and tv, and the price was really good.

Jael and Judy were on the same floor, which was cool and convenient, so I met up with them and we headed over to Caesars (for those unfamiliar with Vegas, the Flamingo is dead center of the Strip, with Caesars across, Bellagio catty-corner, and Paris two casinos down) for some shopping and an early dinner, as I hadn't had a chance to eat at the Dallas airport. I was good and didn't buy anything...that time.

After dinner we caught a bus to the Riviera to see Ice which was an interesting Russian ice skating/acrobatic show, but the theater sucked! We were literally sitting sideways and had to crane our necks to see the too-small stage. The show would have been so much better in a traditional ice arena. We'd only paid half-price for the tickets, so it was worth it because some of the stunts were amazing.

Then we hit Margaritaville (at the Flamingo) for dessert and the live cover band. Watching cowboys line dance to classic rock was kind of funny.

Oh, yeah, I forgot to mention the rodeo was in town and everything went country! The Flamingo played country music, the waitresses were in western shirts and jeans, and cowboy hats were everywhere!

Intermixed throughout the week I gambled--slots--and lost about $100.00 total. I won at the Flamingo but Caesars and Harrahs killed me. The slots at Caesars are the tightest. I know this. I don't know why I played there. Paris was bad, too, though I won a bit at the Bellagio for the first time ever, and won big ($70) at Excalibur.

But, I'm getting ahead of myself.

The Flamingo had given us coupons for their other properties and since the casinos are now owned by about three or four huge conglomerates, this meant Caesars, for one, so on Monday we hit the Caesars' breakfast buffet, which was really good and I ate way too much but we were skipping lunch for an early dinner. We discovered a new--to us--area of Caesars and a new chocolate shop called Payards, where I bought dad some caramels since I'm not making him any since he doesn't need a huge pan of it. Jael was amazed I make my own candy. *g*

Then we shopped the Forum shops again--not a hardship--and Judy talked me out of the brown Kate Spade purse for $195.00 (more on that later). We wandered over to Paris for a bit of shopping then to the Bellagio to see the Christmas display in the conservatory (I was rather surprised that the whole Strip wasn't one big Christmas display but there wasn't anything on lamposts even, and only some of the casinos were decorated--weird). Judy and Jael went to see a Picasso exhibit and I went off to gamble and lose. Stupid Caesars--I have a Ho theory on this concerning Commo and a curse that would have made a great HSU fic if we were still writing those. *g*

Back to the room to get gussied up to meet everyone at Bobby Flay's Mesa Grill for an early dinner. Ellie and Emmy both made it to town safely and we had a great dinner. I had the ancho chile glazed grilled salmon and an amaretto sour.

Then we took a taxi to Treasure Island and saw the Cirque show "Mystere" which was really amazing, though the baby was kind of creepy. The only thing I didn't like was the clown at the beginning taking people to the wrong seats and spilling popcorn on people and stuff. I just don't have the kind of sense of humor that would have taken that well if it had happened to me. Still, worth the money, definitely.

Afterwards we walked over to the Venetian for coffee and window shopping before walking back to the Flamingo. I begged off the Bellagio fountains as my feet were sore and went to bed.

Tuesday we went to brunch at the Rio--also with coupons--and did our Secret Ho exchange except mine is apparently nursedarry who will be sending it to me. :) A free shuttle from there to Harrahs and a quick walk took us to the Fashion Show Mall where we shopped and dropped until it was time for Judy and Jael to leave. I napped the afternoon away and then met up with Ellie and Emmy for dinner at a bar & grill at the Monte Carlo and then the King Tut museum in Luxor. We walked a lot that night, to the MGM for them to get "Ka" tickets, then to Walgreens for diet coke (the casinos are all pepsi places :P) and foot soaking stuff and then back to the Flamingo.

I'd planned to soak my feet then go gamble. Instead I watched the second half of National Treasure, then soaked my feet (amazing stuff, really worked, as the pain vanished) and went to bed. Such a party animal am I. *g*

On Wednesday I was on my own for the morning as Emmy and Ellie (this is weird, two Js, two Es, me...) were doing some kind of resort tour for which they got free Chippendale tickets, so I had breakfast at the Flamingo café and bought my nephew a "Yes, I Am A Pirate" tshirt from Margaritaville and some other things at the gift shop, then put $20.00 down on the 'Hawks in the Orange Bowl. This was after sitting for twenty minutes in Caesars' sports book the day before and ten in the Flamingo trying to figure out all the numbers on the board. Finally I said to hell with it, told the guy at the desk I had never done this before and how did I get my money if I won (you have a year to send in the ticket or return to the Flamingo to cash in) and placed my bet.

So illegal here. So much fun there. *g*

I was just done with all that when Emmy called to say that the Chippendales were dark and would I like to go to the Tournament of Kings with cute guys on horses and I said 'yes' then met them for Mexican food and tequilla drinks for lunch at, yes again, Caesars where we, yes again, did the Forum shops. *g* This time I bought the purse. I also spent way too much money on the cutest pair of snowflake like pearly earrings from Michal Negrin but then saved money on a pair of bone/taupe pumps from Kenneth Cole as they were marked down from $165.00 to $70.00! I've been searching for offwhite pumps of some shade all winter! Had to buy them.

I think I definitely spent the most money of everyone and my credit card is now weeping...

After shopping we split up to change and then met up at Bellagio for a cab to Excalibur. Our cab driver entertained us at a long stoplight by playing the diggeriodoo.

I kid you not!

I won $70.00 at Excalibur, as I mentioned. Loose slots, obviously. Then we went down to the tournament. It was fun--cheesy, but fun. Our knight was the King of Spain and definitely the cutest. Long blond/brown hair, big white smile, wore purple (so a Ho color). We ate with our fingers (which really made me thankful I decided to forego the manicure earlier)--roasted potatoes, brocoli, game hen, apple tart--and cheered and booed. Worth it with half price tickets and there were then sexy men in gold loincloths.

Note to Jael--the miners must all now wear gold loincloths...

Afterwards we took a cab up to Harrahs where I proceeded to lose everything I'd won at Excalibur *sigh* and I called it a night so I could pack and soak my feet again and relax.

After Jael losing her suitcase (which ended up being picked up by the wrong person who then contacted her so she got it back, but we didn't know that at the time) I made the decision to carry on my tote bag that I'd checked coming to Vegas and put all the stuff I bought in it. It actually weighed less because I'd had all my shoes and makeup and stuff in it. Amazingly enough I could have fit everything I brought in my little suitcase but I knew I'd buy stuff, so I brought the tote, too.

I was so lame I was able to watch CSI NY live at 10:00...

Anyway, Thursday I finished packing, had breakfast again at the café, gambled away another $20.00, then checked out. My flight was to leave at 12:40 so I wanted to be at the airport by around 10:30, which I was, only to discover that the flight was now leaving at 2:15, getting in to Dallas around 6:25. My flight to KC was to leave at 6:55--very, very tight, especially since I always have to change terminals in Dallas on American.

I called my mom to let her know and discovered they were without power due to ice melting and snapping lines. I then sat around, bored, eventually getting up to go get some food and buy a new book because I was nearly done with my second one. Then I discovered the flight was now 3:15 and so there was no way I'd make my connecting flight. There was a flight going to Dallas out of the same gate at 1:50 so I booked down there to see about stand by but they were dealing with helping people on my flight and weren't taking stand by so I luckily got a later flight to KC, leaving at 9:50, which gave me a two hour layover, that is if the flight ever got to Vegas to then go on to Dallas, which it did around 2:30. Apparently there were mechanical problems. I have so much trouble with mechanical problems in flights between Vegas and Dallas!

As I was carrying a tote and a big purse naturally all the overhead bins near me were already full so I sat in the window seat with no where to put my feet for three hours. On the flight to KC I made sure to get in my group's line first so I could put my tote up and then, of course, not only was I in the exit door row so I had plenty of room (first class kind of room, stick my feet out sitting down and unable to touch the seat in front kind of room) the seat next to me was empty so I could have shuffled the bags over there if needed.

Oh well.

My one checked piece of luggage made it safely with no sign of having been pawed through, and except for the fog on the road, it was an uneventful journey home, arriving around 12:30 a.m. to a butt load of spam email and two unhappy kitties who lavished attention all over me, marking me as theirs again.

And, of course, I couldn't sleep for some reason and ended up at work fifteen minutes early to a not too huge pile and no huge crises, so I'm leaving fifteen minutes early to beat the snow which is now down to 1-4 inches tonight and 1 inch tomorrow from a total of 5-8. I'm guessing we'll get a couple total and mom and dad's party can go on as planned. As I got home too late to package up all the eBay wins that happened while I was gone, I have to get to the post office in the morning, as well as Target to buy a gift for the child mom chose for me from the church giving tree.

I checked, and taking off all my communities, I'm only skip 250, so I should be able to zoom through the FL pretty quickly and snag ficcies to read. I have to still write ficcies...and wrap gifts...and bake cookies and bread and...why is Christmas only a week away?????

hos, las vegas

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