Meme plus

Oct 24, 2007 22:40

What would you say are the trademarks of my writing? What themes or quirks or turns of phrase have you noticed? What is it that makes a story by me -- well, a story by me?

I'm guessing the generic answer is smut. *g*

So, the day started out with a subpoena. My first! Unfortunately it nearly derailed my trip to Chicago next week as it was for November 1 when I would be halfway to Illinois, but they were able to reschedule for later in November. It's a stupid nuisance case I know nothing about so I have no idea what the expect to get out of me.

I had to turn on my heat two nights ago. It got down to 63 in the house and since that's what my heat is set on overnight and while I'm gone during the day it didn't make much sense not to. I also put heavy red blankie on the bed and have slept better than I have in weeks (basically not moving due to the weight!).

The heat doesn't seem to work in our office. Believe me, my little space heater is not going to be enough. Even with a sweater and it being a sunny day in the 60s I shivered most of the day.

I did walk to the comic book store over lunch which was nice except it was so windy it was freezing! It's only about a block from my office and the boss and the associate were both gone most of the day so I said 'what the hell'. Not that I had a chance to read any of them as I had to do the invoices today.

I'm about a third of the way through the latest Relic book. I've put off reading it because it's just Pendergast (whom I adore) and Constance (who I...well, don't adore) and no one else from the other books, but I'm quite enjoying it. It's a fast read, though, so I'll need something else for Chicago. After online vampire porn discussions with the Ho's I'm thinking of starting Kim Harrison's series over again.

My dad has decided to forgo a desktop for a new laptop (the Geeks salvaged all his data but the reinstall of windows wouldn't take so the computer's toast). He got a Dell with XP. I guess that means our "shared" Gateway laptop is all mine now. :)

Mom and I decided that it's a good thing we're not flying to Chicago after the fiasco of their cancelled flight, the nightmare of their return (two of the three bathrooms were broken and they didn't allow coach passengers to use the business class ones!, the computer in Dublin went down and so they had long delays and there was no wheelchair waiting for mom, the meal was inedible) since dad flew to DC today and his flight was cancelled; luckily he got on another one.

I've decided not to buy a new winter coat this year--I'll make do with last year's even though it's a bit too big now and hopefully will be way too big by the end of winter--but I have to get a couple of heavy yet nice looking sweaters and a couple more heavy skirts--flannel, denim, corduroy, something. I'm freezing my ass off. We'll be hitting Chicago Premier Outlets where there's a Lane Bryant outlet, though for sweaters I can shop anywhere now. :) I thought I had some old KU sweatshirts around here that will now fit but so far all I've found are two boxes of KU basketball Final 4, Big Eight Champ etc. tshirts (which also now all fit but why wear them when someday they might be worth something?). I'll search some more this weekend. That would help to wear with my flannel and long john pj bottoms.

I have fics due Saturday. I have to mow and go to KC and sing on Saturday. I have no clue when fics are going to get done. Plus I had hoped to write all Sunday afternoon, forgetting a church meeting and the need to clean my house before I go on my trip--or at least the downstairs which dad will see when he comes to feed the kitties.

The pictures of me from the professional photographer for the church directory came. They're not hideous. I got a three shot framed for my parents' for Christmas and then a free 8 x11 that I'll bury in a drawer somewhere.

I'm still mostly keeping up with tv. I'm adoring Pushing Daisies mostly because of the quirkiness. I'm not at all sad to see Viva Laughlin go, mostly because its replacement is TAR! I'm so so about Journeyman and Moonlight--still watching but if they disappear, no big loss. I am liking Kid Nation a lot. Reaper rules.

So, as soon as I stop blathering here and load some eBay auctions I'll watch Pushing Daisies and Kid Nation from earlier tonight and only be behind Journeyman and today's DOOL. Unfortunately tomorrow night--fourthings at 7:00--I have yet another meeting so instant behind, but having CSI as a repeat helps. Of course next Thursday and Friday I can't count on watching anything so I'll be majorly behind again.

Okay, outtie...

meme, me

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