Five Times Tim Lost His Virginity

Sep 30, 2007 22:07

I did one of those five things fics (and still have Green Eyes' to do, thank you!). Please read the content for pairings (except when I don't give one 'cause it's a surprise and/or I'm evil).

Title: Time, And Something More Precious, Lost
Author: Lara
Fandom: DC Comics
Rating: PG14
Content: angst, slash, Tim/Dick
Word Count: 1019
Summary: Tim wakes up missing twelve hours and something else
Disclaimer: Don't own DC; if I did, Slade, who isn't in this fic, would never be so stupidly black and white, and Tim wouldn't be suicidal due to people dying on him.
Distribution: My site eventually; all others, please ask.
A/N: Written for 64damn_prompts for prompt #17, Missing Time

Tim awoke feeling foggy and achy. As he lay still, trying to process why he felt that way, he realized he was in his bed but wearing a pair of low-cut jeans and a ratty t-shirt. He frowned and raised a shaky hand to his face, feeling the stubble beneath his fingers. Slowly turning his heavy head, he focused on his alarm clock and saw it was nearly eleven in the morning.

Rolling onto his back, he winced as his ass hit the mattress. It was sore and not sore like he'd fallen on it several times.


Frowning even harder, Tim tried to remember what had happened the night before but the last memory he had was patrolling around eleven p.m. Twelve hours had passed and he'd changed from his costume to casual clothes.

And he'd been...fucked?

Tim felt himself flushing, and crawled from the bed, wincing at every twinge of pain and racking his brains for some shred of memory.

Who? When? Why? Where?


If so, maybe he didn't want to remember. It was always a possibility. Few of the Gotham villains were very discriminating.

But, it was unlikely they'd dress him and send him home.


Opening the bathroom door, Tim was hit by a wall of steam and his eyes widened as he coughed in surprise. The water shut off and the shower door opened enough to reveal the concerned face of his eldest brother.


Tim gaped then turned bright red and spun around.

"Tim, I can explain," Dick yelled, then muttered to himself, "Well, actually, I can't."

Tim slumped on the end of his bed, ignoring the pain from sitting, and shoved his face into his hands. This wasn't happening. Not Dick. Not his brother, his mentor, his friend. Not...Okay, his dirty little mind had sometimes slipped that direction and wondered,! Legally!


Tim didn't look up, just shook his head, and muttered, "What happened?"

"I don't know." Tim heard a rustle of cloth--a towel--and felt Dick in front of him, low--kneeling. "Come on, Timmy. Look at me," he said softly.

"Did you..was it you?" Slowly Tim looked up and he knew there was pain and confusion in his eyes but he couldn't help it.

Dick flushed but didn't drop his eyes. "I think so. I don't remember what happened. I was patrolling and then I was here, uniform gone. You were curled around me. We were both dressed, but..."

"But?" Tim silently cursed how hysterical that sounded.

"I had sex with someone." Dick sounded analytical but Tim knew that was the way they'd both been taught to discuss these kinds of things. "There's a high probability it was a man. There are indicators that lead to that conclusion. Lack of specific" Dick shook his head and sat down, rubbing his hands over his face, then turned the question on his brother, "Was it you, Tim?"

"I don't remember. It wasn't a girl. It wasn't that kind," he added dully.

"Was it your first time?" Dick asked gently, looking up at him again.

Tim felt his lips tighten and nodded.

"Chances are it was me. Are you hurt?"

Tim replied tightly, "No."


"I'm not. I don't want to talk about this. I'll survive. It doesn't hurt...much. We'll just forget it. Not hard to do since we don't actually remember it."


"You're my brother, Dick." Tim silently cursed the desperate quality in his voice but had to get things back to normal.

"Yeah, I know, kiddo, but there's nothing wrong with this. You're legally an adult and there's no blood relationship. We weren't raised together. What happened to us was wrong only because obviously something happened to make us not remember and most likely it wasn't our choice."

Tim finally let his brain start working. "We should run blood tests. Maybe we ran into Ivy."

"It doesn't feel like sex pollen, but that's a good idea."

Eyes widening slightly as he blushed again, Tim asked, "How do you know what sex pollen feels like?"

Dick grinned and rose gracefully to head for the closet and some of the clothes he'd left there when it had been his room. "Maybe I'll tell you sometime, if you ask nicely."

Tim watched Dick dress and felt slightly better.

"You want to shower before we go down?"

"I shouldn't. There might be evidence."

"Thank god Bruce is out of town, so we can run the tests in peace," Dick said with a roll of his eyes.

"He'll figure it out when he looks at the lab logs."

"Like you don't know how to get around those."

Tim raised scandalized eyes to the older man. "Dick, we can't do that. We were obviously under the influence of some villain. We need to figure it out and stop the person before someone really gets hurt. I mean, I could have been, it might not have might have been someone else. I...need to know it was you."

"Okay, Tim. We'll figure it out," Dick said softly. "We'll stop the person and if you think Bruce needs to know, we'll let him know."

"I don't want him to know," Tim stressed, but his shoulders drooped. "It's just...maybe it's too important to keep from him."

"Yeah, if it's a new villain or a new Ivy pollen or something, he needs to know." Dick sat down next to Tim and gently slid an arm around him. "It'll be okay." Something must have shown on Tim's face, because Dick asked, "What is really bothering you?"

"I just...If we were...together, and it looks like we were, does it...bother you?"

"No," Dick replied honestly. "I would prefer to remember it. I would prefer it was something we'd both wanted. But, Tim, I'm glad it was me. The thought of some villain hurting you...That, I can't take."

"...Oh." He blushed again, then rested his cheek tiredly on Dick's shoulder. "This is really twisted."

"What isn't for Robins, Tim?" Dick said softly and kissed his furrowed brow.


Title: A Moment of Kindness
Author: Lara
Fandom: DC Comics
Rating: PG14
Content: not explicit sex
Word Count: 292
Summary: Tim just wants to get laid
Disclaimer: Don't own DC; if I did, Slade, who isn't in this fic, would never be so stupidly black and white, and Tim wouldn't be suicidal due to people dying on him.
Distribution: My site eventually; all others, please ask.
A/N: Written for 64damn_prompts for prompt #37, Kind

She was kind. That would be all he would remember of her.

He'd wanted someone experienced. Someone older. Someone who would teach him and not ask questions.

There were any number of heroines who would help him but that was Robin. Tim needed this, too. Maybe more.

One of the few benefits of the endless parties Bruce dragged him to in his playboy persona was the number of beautiful women looking for a few hours of stringless fun. They didn't mind that he was only seventeen. They only cared that he was Bruce Wayne's son.

When he finally found the one he thought would be the best to teach him, he didn't care that was why she wanted him.

A few hours spent in a luxurious hotel suite, two condoms, half a bottle of champagne, and his virginity was gone.

He felt good, relaxed, relieved that he hadn't come across as a foolish kid, pleased that the woman had expressed pleasure so he must have done something right. He watched her rise and stretch and smile at him before heading for the bathroom with a casual, "See you around," thrown over her shoulder, and he took that as his cue to leave.

As he strolled down the hallway, hands in the pockets of his suit pants, jacket over one arm and tie loose around his neck, he knew this wasn't what his parents would have wanted, probably wasn't what Bruce would have wanted--Batman was another thing all together--but he was a man--at last--and it was what he wanted.

Tim could live with it.

And, really, sex was amazing. If love added something to it, he'd probably be left limp as a noodle.

He'd have to try that next.


Title: Wow! So That's What It's Like
Author: Lara
Fandom: DC Comics
Rating: Light NC17
Content: sex, Cassie/Tim (Yeah, I know, she's just using him to replace Kon...isn't he doing the same thing? *g*)
Word Count: 277
Summary: Tim and Cassie have sex
Disclaimer: Don't own DC; if I did, Slade, who isn't in this fic, would never be so stupidly black and white, and Tim wouldn't be suicidal due to people dying on him.
Distribution: My site eventually; all others, please ask.
A/N: Written for 64damn_prompts for prompt #20, Explode

God, he's going to explode. His eyes are rolling back in his head, he can barely breathe, every muscle is tense.

It's nothing like masturbating.


As Cassie rocks beneath him, her lips open in a smile of pleasure, her hands stroking down his trembling back, he pushes deeper into her, and feels her muscles squeeze around him.

His eyes cross as they roll.

Her legs wrap around his hips and her pelvis rises to meet his and then they're moving together. He's so glad he quickly finds the right rhythm, so glad she's showing every sign of enjoying this, because, despite plenty of research, he really doesn't know what he's doing. Her kisses are enthusiastic and the little sounds she's making are playing havoc with his hormones.

As are those muscles squeezing so tightly yet so delicately around him and...oh god...he really is going to explode.

The only part of his brain still functioning remembers the importance of giving her an orgasm first, and he fumbles but when she arches against his finger and cries, "yes," he figures he's at the right spot, and he strokes until she shudders and tightens around him even more and then everything goes white and his chest heaves for breath and his hips buck and...


Tim rouses at the sound of Cassie giggling--not a taunting, 'you're an idiot and that sucked' sound but a laugh of pleasure and joy, and he blinks his eyes open to smile dumbly down at her.

"Like that?"


Smiling, Cassie rolls him off of her and curls against him. "And it only gets better."

He really is going to explode.


Title: He'll Live With It
Author: Lara
Fandom: DC Comics
Rating: light NC17
Content: sex, slash, evilness
Word Count: 292
Summary: Tim goes to the darkside.
Disclaimer: Don't own DC; if I did, Slade would never be so stupidly black and white, and Tim wouldn't be suicidal due to people dying on him.
Distribution: My site eventually; all others, please ask.
A/N: Written for 64damn_prompts for prompt #58, Enemy Gate
A/N 2: I tried something interesting in the writing of this fic. Does it stand out?

They say to win all you have to do is pass through the enemy's gate, but this isn't a novel or a video-game. This is reality, and he's passed through the enemy's gate, into the enemy's camp and life and, now...maybe...his confidence.

After months of training, of fighting alongside him, of breaking every vow he ever made and taking a life and then another, this is how he'll finally be trusted.

This is how he'll finally end the plague on his house.

As the fingers spread inside him, Tim bites back a moan of pain, squeezing his eyes shut and digging his fingers into the pillow beneath his sweaty cheek.

When a latex-wrapped, lubricated cock replaces the fingers, Tim bites his cheek to keep from crying out, and forces his hips back, accepting the killer fucking him.

As the thrusts begin, Tim responds because anything less won't convince him, and he pulls on his cock, desperately imagining another hand there, until arousal takes over and he can lose himself in blind, empty pleasure.

This is how he'll finally win this battle and destroy this monster.

After years of fighting him, Tim will bring him down and end him, and if he'll never be forgiven by his family and friends, he'll live with it because this has to be done.

They say to end a life is hard--should be hard--but this one deserves death for all he's done. He's in the enemy's bed to put himself close enough to kill him. After he's done fucking him, after, when he's relaxed, and finally no longer wary, he'll kill him.

Slade Wilson will finally be out of Dick's life and, if Tim has to be as well, he'll live with it.


Title: carpe diem
Author: Lara
Fandom: DC Comics
Rating: PG14
Content: happy non-sex, Tim/Kon
Word Count: 354
Summary: Kon comes back, Tim tells him what he's felt all along
Disclaimer: Don't own DC; if I did, Slade, who isn't in this fic, would never be so stupidly black and white, and Tim wouldn't be suicidal due to people dying on him.
Distribution: My site eventually; all others, please ask.
A/N: Written for 64damn_prompts for prompt #6, Seize the Day

This time Tim isn't going to ignore the need simmering in his veins. He's not going to risk losing him again without telling him, without touching him. He's not going to fuck this up twice.

When Kon comes back, Tim is the first to welcome him with a manly hug, belying the tears shining and stinging behind his mask and the need for the man in his arms that he's always felt and simply ignored.

Not this time.

When they're finally alone, he lays it all out logically, stressing his emotions--always difficult for him--explaining that he'll understand if Kon doesn't feel the same way, knowing it'll probably hurt like hell, but expecting it.

So when the first kiss comes, he's surprised but happy and...


"Why didn't you say anything years ago?" Kon pants into his mouth between kisses.

"Why didn't you?"

"You're the smart one!"

"Not always." Tim's hands deactivate his belt, strip off his cape, his mask, and still they kiss, hot, biting little kisses that leave them breathless and incredibly aroused.

Kon's TK takes care of the rest of their clothes, moves them to the bed, finds lube and a box of condoms conveniently placed in the bedside drawer.

"Dude, these are still sealed."

Tim flushes. "I was waiting for you to come back."

Kon rolls his eyes as he rolls on a condom. "You were planning to die a virgin if I didn't?"


Grinning, Kon kisses Tim again until they're both flushed. "I've missed you, you freak."

"Slut," Tim teases, then goes sober and grabs Kon around the neck and buries his face in his chest. "Don't die on me again."

"We'll go out together, I promise," Kon tries to soothe, then simply kisses him again and reaches between them to caress Tim to readiness, not prepared to say more, just wanting Tim to want him.

Afterwards, when Tim finally starts to cry, Kon proves why he really is smarter than he looks, when all he does is stroke him and kiss away his tears. At such an emotional moment, there can be no teasing.

Only love.


tim, tim/cassie, tim/kon, slade, dick/tim, dc fanfic, table fanfic

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