Ficlet: Alone And Lonely 1/1, Roy, PG13

Jun 30, 2007 23:06

Title: Alone And Lonely
Author: Lara
Rating: PG13
Word Count: 200
Fandom: DC Comics, early Green Arrow/Teen Titans
Summary: Roy is both alone and lonely
Content: Drug use, angst
Disclaimer: Don't own DC; if I did, well, a whole hell of a lot of people wouldn't be dead.
Also, Slade, who isn't in this fic, would never be so stupidly black and white.
Distribution: My site eventually; all others, please ask.
A/N: Written for merfilly's mood challenge. #80 (lonely) Roy.

No one every mentioned how alone the drugs would make you feel. How they stripped everything from you, every human connection, compressing you until all you were was craving and rare satiation. Being alone was painful, hard and empty.

Being lonely was even worse.

In those brief moments between shaky withdrawal and floating on a heroin haze, Roy missed his friends, missed the only family he'd had since he was a child, desperately wanted to find his way back to them.

But, as always, the drugs took those feelings away, replacing them with false pleasure which faded to painful need every time.

Shivering in the corner of a half-burned out gas station, Roy dropped the syringe and squeezed his eyes shut, counting the seconds and then the minutes, his voice low, harsh, a monotone of misery.

And, finally, the pain began to fade, replaced by a familiar warmth, a buzz, a pleasure too brief. He smiled, head lolling against the wall, and opened his eyes. There were others in the room, other teens high or searching for the high, some clinging to each other, some huddled by themselves.

He wondered how he could feel so lonely surrounded by so many.


roy, dc fanfic

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