Welcome to my oh so fascinating life...

Dec 02, 2006 21:21

Snagged from bookishwench. 2006 and on fics I'll provide the first line of the fic and not the post since that's usually the title.

Write the first sentence from the first entry of every month.

January: Finally got off my ass and set up my computer which I've only had for a month.

February: "You're lying."

March: Y'know, I don't put myself up for fic awards or promote myself at all or even post very many places, and I'm not well known except maybe among long-time fanfic fans, so it's really cool when a new fic of mine, posted only on LJ, wins an award. :)

April: Well, for April Fools yahoogroups decided to bounce my mail and since I just now got online for the first time since last night....*sigh* just as we Hos have been ever so chatty! I'll never catch up.

May: Thanks to high gas prices, Meals on Wheels volunteers--mostly retirees on fixed incomes--are dropping out of the program in droves in parts of the country because they can't afford to DRIVE!

June: I had O'Neill put to sleep this morning.

July: She likes the feel of it against her skin.

August: Let's see....

September: Pretty crimson silk (real silk) blouse bought at garage sale for fiftycents that fits beautifully does not make up for the fact that it'sthat frickin' time of the month again twenty eights days later!

October: Jack was gone.

November: Apparently I'm dead.

December: Because I should be finishing this fic that's going nowhere...I shall meme....


So contextless!
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