Yuletide Letter

Oct 20, 2018 18:42

I really am not picky. I'll love whatever is written for me. I don't tend to come up with specific prompts as I want my writer to go with their muse.

I do list a few things I don't like at all and I'm sure you'll take those into account because you're awesome. Also, I love any rating, pretty much any genre, het, slash and gen, and dark stuff (even noncon) is AOK with me. If you want to see what I like to read, just check out what I write at AO3 (ladyoneill) or here on LJ

But, again, write wherever your muse takes you!

First a few things I don't enjoy: first or second person, scat and watersports, incest, deathfic (unless specifically asked for or it's a canon character death), mpreg (except a few fandoms where I love it and write it obsessively), babies/kids dying unless in canon or very minor characters, ABO dynamics (highly unlikely here), bashing characters (unless the characters do it in canon), all human AUs (which probably don't apply here), high school AUs, complete AUs where people are placed in different eras or different places or space, when, for example, the fandom is set in 1900 New York City (again these probably don't apply and where thousand year old vampires are concerned, any time is fine), and, finally always a different gender characters (ie Elijah from The Originals always being Elizabeth). Really, I prefer fics that are AU from canon but still have the canon characteristics (vampires are vampires for example) and the characters are the ages and genders they are on the show/in the book etc. Also, please don't age up characters just so they can legally have sex. In my state, 16 is the age of consent, and I don't care if the state the fandom is set in makes it different. I love May-December romances/sex or same age romances/sex if you go that route.

I'm not a huge fan of complete fluff but love happy endings. I love angst and dark stuff and kink other than the ones listed above that I don't like. I also love domestic stories, and character driven stories, and baby/kid fics. I'm a historian at heart (and degrees) so historical accuracy or at least along the lines of the fandom is greatly appreciated. Oh, and I don't mind infidelity; I know some people do. While I used to love first person, I find myself preferring third these days but like either present or past tense, and I love flashbacks. I also love strong women and women who do the rescuing rather than playing the damsel in distress, and smart women solving problems. But I love smart men, too. Not a big fan of weak, pathetic characters (unless that's the way they are in canon). I do like characters suffering yet staying or getting strong, though.

Always remember please that gen fic is fine! As long as you write about the characters I listed, I'll be thrilled.

Oh, also, if you want to throw in other characters from the fandom not listed or in the tagset as minor characters, feel free. There are none in any of the fandoms I've requested that I don't like, but please keep the focus on the ones I listed.

I gave some ideas in my sign up for each fandom, but, really, I am NOT picky and will love anything your write.

dear writer letter

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