Dear Yuletide Writer

Oct 20, 2015 09:40

I really am not picky. I'll love whatever is written for me. I don't tend to come up with specific prompts as I want my writer to go with their muse, but the basics are below as well as some suggestions that you are completely free to ignore because optional details are optional.

I do list a few things I don't like at all and I'm sure you'll take those into account because you're awesome. Also, I love any rating, pretty much any genre, het, slash and gen, and dark stuff (even noncon) is AOK with me. If you want to see what I like to read, just check out what I write, either at AO3 (ladyoneill) or my website,

But, again, write wherever your muse takes you!

First a few things I don't enjoy: second person, scat and watersports, incest, deathfic (unless specifically asked for or it's a canon character death), mpreg (except a few fandoms where I love it and write it obsessively), babies/kids dying unless in canon or very minor characters, ABO dynamics (highly unlikely here), bashing characters (unless the characters do it in canon), all human AUs (which probably don't apply here), high school AUs, complete AUs where people are placed in different eras or different places or space, when, for example, the fandom is set in 1900 New York City (again these probably don't apply and where thousand year old vampires are concerned, any time is fine), and, finally always a different gender characters (ie Elijah from The Originals always being Elizabeth). Really, I prefer fics that are AU from canon but still have the canon characteristics (vampires are vampires for example) and the characters are the ages and genders they are on the show/in the book etc. Also, please don't age up characters just so they can legally have sex. In my state, 16 is the age of consent, and I don't care if the state the fandom is set in makes it different. I love May-December romances/sex.

I'm not a huge fan of complete fluff but love happy endings. I love angst and dark stuff and kink other than the ones listed above that I don't like. I also love domestic stories, and character driven stories, and baby/kid fics. I'm a historian at heart (and degrees) so historical accuracy or at least along the lines of the fandom is greatly appreciated. Oh, and I don't mind infidelity; I know some people do. While I used to love first person, I find myself preferring third these days but like either present or past tense, and I love flashbacks. I also love strong women and women who do the rescuing rather than playing the damsel in distress, and smart women solving problems. But I love smart men, too. Not a big fan of weak, pathetic characters (unless that's the way they are in canon). I do like characters suffering yet staying or getting strong, though.

Always remember please that gen fic is fine! As long as you write about the characters I listed, I'll be thrilled.

Oh, also, if you want to throw in other characters from the fandom not listed or in the tagset as minor characters, feel free. There are none in any of the fandoms I've requested that I don't like.

So, some details about each fandom:

Stargate Universe: I loved this show; it ended too early! But I love the open endedness so if you want to write something in the future when they wake up, that would be great, or maybe when they get back to earth and it's years in the future, or anything about just living on the ship. I ship TJ/Young, Rush/Chloe but gen fic is great, or just one of those pairings (or even Young/Rush). I also love Greer and don't know why I didn't pick him. If you want to write how the baby didn't get stolen, that would be lovely. I really like the connection the aliens forged between Rush and Chloe, so if you want to explore that, go for it.

Blindspot: Okay, I haven't read any fic for this but I love the show, the dynamics between the characters, the intrigue and conspiracies. I also adore Patterson but didn't want to force anyone to write all three. If you want to develop a romantic/sexual relationship between Jane and Weller, go for it; if you want to explore her memories of him or make up what we don't know about what happened to her, feel free. If you just want them to sit around and bitch and eat pizza and watch B movies, I'll be happy.

Jurassic Park movies: Okay, obviously from the characters I've listed, this is for Jurassic World. Love the movie and the snappy dialogue between Owen and Claire. I also love Blue and her relationship with Owen. Maybe the two humans go back to the island to find her? Maybe Blue has babies of her own and Owen and Claire help her with them (we know the female dinosaurs can switch sexes to continue their species from the first movie, and I believe at least one of the other raptors survived.) I've read a bit of fic in this fandom and love the developing relationship between Owen and Claire. But if you want to make them just friends, that's fine!

Stephanie Plum Books: I admit, I'm a huge Steph/Ranger shipper but I like Joe a lot, too, and a relationship between all three or them sharing her would be great. Or them fighting over her and her kicking their asses would be great. Love ALL the characters in the books and have read them all; eagerly looking for the one coming out in mid-November.

The Book of Mormon: I just saw this in London; absolutely loved it. I have no prompts or thoughts. Just go wild!

Zoo: My favorite summer show. I like all the characters; especially like Mitch (probably because of who portrays him--Revolution was one of my favorite shows in Yuletides past to write/read for). I love the idea of him growing closer to his daughter, maybe with Jamie's help as their relationship grows tighter, too. Jamie struggling with his near betrayal of the team, her struggle with killing someone. Them just sitting around drinking (which they do a lot on the show). Anything would be cool.

Hope you have fun!

dear writer letter

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