not dead...just feel like it

Apr 08, 2015 15:49

So...fifteen days ago...


I'm not sure why I disappeared for over two weeks. It's not like I don't sit in front of my computer for hours on end both at work and home.

So, highlights and lowlights:

I watched a ton of basketball. The Big 12 failed again in the tournie, but, y'know, if that's all people cared about, there'd be no pre-conference and conference games. The great thing about the NCAA tournie is it's one game, you lose and you're out. Anyone can get hot. How a team or conference does in the tournament does not say anything about what kind of team or conference they really are. In 1988, KU had a mediocre conference season, got a six seed in the tournie, got hot, and won it all, beating a number one seed they'd lost to twice already to do so.

Anyway, I was extremely happy Kentucky lost in the semi-final, mostly because I didn't have to root for Duke to beat them in the championship game. *g* Sadly Duke won, but before the game even ended, I was watching the replay of the Royals first game.

Baseball is here!

More on that in a bit.

I also started catching up on tv. I finally watched the last two eps of last half season of Walking Dead (having been spoiled about Beth) and then watched the second half of the season leading up to the finale. Loved it. That was the happy for March 29--skipped church and watched The Walking Dead. Is there anything better than BAMF Carol pretending she's still a happy housewife? *snicker* Also, more and more impressed with the kid who plays Carl. The actor has really grown into the role. Of course, shocked by all the deaths. Really, I figure these days the only guaranteed survivals are Rick, Carl, maybe Judith, and Daryl (they'd be idiots to kill the most popular character). Also loved how Daryl stayed all scruffy and dirty.

Watched about seven eps of Supernatural, catching that up, too, and have started to catch up on The Originals and The Vampire Diaries.

I will not be watching TVD next year. I'm pretty much only there for the Elena/Damon relationship. With Dobrev quitting, what's the point?

On the other hand, I still love The Originals. I think I got behind because around Thanksgiving I had to dload an ep and that meant watching one on the tv, then one on my computer, then back to the tv. I dunno, it made sense at the time. Interesting twist with Rebecca (I still have about five eps to watch.)

For new shows, I'm really enjoying Izombie.

Also very happy that AMC did a marathon of Mad Men from the first half of the final season since I lost those all when my last DVR crapped out on me. Now I have to find time to watch it.

Two Mondays ago I started taking the Victoza shot instead of insulin. You build up to the recommended dose over time because it can make you nauseous. Hooboy, does it ever. It's an appetite suppressant and boy is it working. I'm nauseous pretty much all the time just like I was when I started taking Metformin which makes everyone nauseous.

I can live with it.

Early on I also had heartburn, probably because I was hardly eating anything, so I'm trying to do better. And the iron pills are making me constipated at times which doesn't help.

Stupid body.

Random happies: Tuesday the 31st mom was going to make fish which turned my stomach so bad, so dad made omelets. I love his omelets. Monday the 30th I bought my first month's supply of Victoza and it was a tier two so only $50. Very happy, considering insulin was running about $80 a month without the insurance. Saturday the 4th I took my car in for servicing and since it was the first time, it was free. :) Sunday the 5th aka Easter, I was actually feeling pretty good. The Service was wonderful, very well attended, most participated in communion, we sang a jazzy version of Amazing Grace that came together really well. Yesterday was election day--just local city commission and school board--and everyone I voted for but one school board person won. Bye bye incumbent commissioners who tax and spend like crazy! One new commissioner and one new board member are members of my church so you know they're damn liberal.

On the other hand the state keeps going to hell.

Very happy that the pressure from the NCAA and several corporations (including surprisingly Wal-Mart) got Indiana to soften its completely stupid and potentially discriminatory pro-religious freedom law. I'm pretty sure a little thing called the Bill of Rights already grants that.

Monday was happy for a couple things: One, I got my taxes done and am getting back a nice amount. I added up my medical costs and prescriptions alone ran me over $3900 last year. Thank god it won't be like that this year. Also, Opening Day!

The Royals had lost six or seven straight opening days. Hooboy did we NOT do that this year, considering we beat the White Sox 10-1. Lovely that on an overcast, cool day with the hint of rain in the air in a ballpark not known for homers and with a team that doesn't hit them, we hit two (one from Moose who is NOT an opposite field hitter and he hit his first ever to left--doubt many teams will do the crazy shift on him as he also hit a dribbler to left when all the infielders were in right). We also won with small ball and running.

So on Tuesday I went to expecting at least a couple articles on the Royals, y'know, the defending American League champs, and the closest I got was a couple by a White Sox writer on how the White Sox lost. Yeah, absolutely no respect. And a completely stupid article on how "stupid" it is to put Alex Gordon at sixth in the lineup.

Um...he's nursing a healing wrist?!!!! Jesus Christ, no respect. Writer obviously did no research.

Both and SI have the Royals as fourth out of five in the AL West. I hope every player reads those articles and gets pissed. According to espn we still have great D and a bullpen but no power.



I've read tons of good fic over the last couple of weeks. The weather has turned to Spring. I have a patch of daffodils blooming in the back yard where before they were buried under crap. Of course we may get tornadoes today...

And now I have to write a sermon for my worship class tomorrow. Weather will determine whether or not I go to choir practice tonight. Storms keep getting pushed back. It was supposed to storm this morning. Now they're saying 6:00 with strong storms around 9:00. I'll believe it when I see it. Bad storms in Missouri last night made me miss the last 15 minutes of Forever which ticked me off as we had NOTHING here but I only have ABC out of Kansas City. Luckily someone does the naughty on it.

Okay, this is rambling all over the place. I'll try to be better about not disappearing.

Today's happy: boss was out all but one hour so I watched three Vampire Diary eps while filing.

happy meme, church, march madness, royals, stupid weather, tv blather, stupid body

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